Terms & Conditions

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=”CGU France” tab_id=”France”][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]



La Société DJEHOUTI, Société par Actions Simplifiée, dont le siège est au 146 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière 75010 Paris, immatriculée au RCS de Paris sous le numéro 788 743 458, représentée par son Président et son directeur général domiciliés en cette qualité audit siège (ci-après dénommée “DJEHOUTI”) édite et exploite, depuis la France, une plateforme d’édition, d’hébergement, de diffusion, de partage et de commentaire d’expériences interactives, accessible notamment à l’adresse http://app.racontr.com et/ou sur tous les supports de communication électronique (ci-après dénommée “PLATEFORME”).

Les présentes Conditions Générales d’Utilisation (ci-après « CGU »), soumises au droit français, ont vocation à régir l’utilisation de la plateforme RACONTR.COM en ce compris tout contenu et toute fonctionnalité accessibles sur la plateforme RACONTR.COM.

Les présentes CGU se combinent, le cas échéant, avec les conditions générales de vente (ci-après « CGV ») de DJEHOUTI dans l’hypothèse où l’utilisateur décide de souscrire à des services complémentaires payants tels que définis aux dites « CGV ».

Tout accès et/ou toute utilisation  de la PLATEFORME que vous soyez inscrit ou non sur la PLATEFORME, en qualité de particulier ou de professionnel, à titre personnel ou pour le compte d’un tiers, emporte votre acceptation expresse et sans réserve des CGU, qui entrent en vigueur du fait de l’utilisation de la PLATEFORME.

Si vous accédez et/ou utilisez la PLATEFORME vous garantissez avoir la capacité requise. Tout utilisateur inscrit  doit être âgé d’au minimum de 18 (dix-huit) ans ou bénéficier d’une autorisation  pouvoir souscrire aux services payants.

Si vous accédez et/ou utilisez la PLATEFORME pour le compte d’un tiers et/ou en qualité de représentant, vous garantissez à DJEHOUTI que vous détenez l’intégralité des droits, autorisations et des pouvoirs nécessaires pour accepter les CGU au nom de la société, association, partenaire ou tout autre entité pour laquelle vous utilisez ou accédez à la PLATEFORME et/ou créez un compte selon les modalités ci-après.

DJEHOUTI peut modifier à tout moment les CGU et les CGV. Ces modifications feront l’objet d’une mention particulière au sein de la PLATEFORME. Vous reconnaissez et acceptez que votre utilisation de la PLATEFORME ou votre accès à celui-ci après la date des dites modifications, emportera votre acceptation pleine et entière des CGU telles que modifiées et des CGV le cas échéant.

Les présentes CGV sont régies par la loi française.


Au sein des présentes CGU et CGV, les termes et expressions ci-dessous auront les significations suivantes :

« ABONNEMENT » désigne les fonctionnalités du SERVICE PAYANT permettant à l’UTILISATEUR inscrit et disposant d’un COMPTE UTILISATEUR d’acquérir via le STORE une capacité d’hébergement supérieure à celle du SERVICE et/ou des fonctionnalités ou services supplémentaires ;


« CGU » désigne les conditions générales d’utilisation, applicables à toute utilisation de la PLATEFORME par les UTILISATEURS, que ce soit à titre gratuit ou payant ;

« CGV » désigne les conditions générales de vente applicables à toute souscription d’un service payant sur la PLATEFORME ;

« COMPTE UTILISATEUR » désigne le compte personnel créer par l’UTILISATEUR après son inscription sur la PLATEFORME et nécessaire pour pouvoir accéder au SERVICE ;

« CONTRAT » désigne l’ensemble contractuel et obligatoire composé à la fois des CGU et des CGV et des Annexes jointes ;

« CONTENU » Ensemble de textes, d’images, de son, de vidéo appartenant à l’UTILISATEUR et mis en ligne par ses soins sur la PLATEFORME aux fins de création et d’édition de son ou ses PROJETS par l’intermédiaire des SERVICES ;

« CONTENU RACONTR » désigne tous textes, graphiques, logos, noms, marques, désignations, onglets, fonctionnalités, images, sons, données, photographies, graphiques, et tout autre matériel ou logiciel  propriété exclusive de DJEHOUTI ou de ses licenciés, protégés par le droit de la propriété intellectuelle et soumis aux lois et réglementations applicables en la matière ;

« DESACTIVATION »   consiste en un blocage des fonctionnalités d’édition et de diffusion de votre ou vos PROJETS et de votre accès à votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR, du retrait de votre ou vos PROJETS rendus publics depuis la création de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR sur les espace de diffusion publique de la PLATEFORME et du blocage de votre accès au STORE ;

“DONNEES PERSONNELLES” désigne toutes les informations identifiantes concernant l’UTILISATEUR qui sont volontairement fournies lors de l’ouverture d’un COMPTE UTILISATEUR sur la PLATEFORME et/ou celles qui seront collectées dans le cadre de l’accès et/ou de l’utilisation de la PLATEFORME ;


“ESPACES D’EXPRESSION” désigne les forums de discussions accessibles sur la PLATEFORME par le biais desquels les UTILISATEURS inscrits ont la possibilité de s’exprimer et dont le fonctionnement repose sur le principe de respect mutuel ;


« ESPACE PERSONNEL » désigne l’espace depuis lequel l’UTILISATEUR inscrit a la faculté d’accéder et d’administrer son COMPTE UTILISATEUR ;


« OPTIONS » désigne les plugins et templates, fonctionnalités du SERVICE PAYANT, que les UTILISATEURS inscrits et disposant d’un COMPTE UTILISATEUR peuvent acquérir via le STORE parmi lesquelles, des fonctionnalités d’édition supplémentaires, des modèles de navigation interactive et de la faculté d’exporter son ou ses PROJETS ;

« PLATEFORME » désigne le site internet RACONTR.COM créé et édité par DJEHOUTI et accessible à l’adresse http://app.racontr.com ;

« PROJET » désigne toute oeuvre multimédia (tels que documentaires, albums photos, site internet…) créés, édités et diffusés sur la PLATEFORME par les UTILISATEURS au moyen du SERVICE;

« PUBLIER/DE-PUBLIER » désigne la fonction réservant au seul UTILISATEUR inscrit la faculté, à son choix, de conserver le caractère strictement privé de son ou ses PROJETS ou de rendre accessible(s) et en conséquence public(s) le ou les dits PROJETS sur la PLATEFORME ;

« SERVICE » désigne le service fourni par DJEHOUTI sur la PLATEFORME, permettant aux UTILISATEURS de créer un ou des PROJETS à partir de son ou ses CONTENUS en ce compris les services payant visés au CGV, sous réserve de disposer d’un COMPTE UTILISATEUR ;

« SERVICE PAYANT » désigne les OPTIONS et ABONNEMENTS que l’UTILISATEUR inscrit et disposant d’un COMPTE UTILISATEUR a la possibilité d’acquérir via le STORE afin d’obtenir plus de fonctionnalités d’édition, de modèles de navigation interactive ou de capacité d’hébergement pour son ou ses PROJETS ;


« STORE » désigne l’espace d’achat où seul l’UTILISATEUR inscrit a la faculté d’accéder aux Services Payants dans les conditions déterminées aux Conditions Générales de Vente ;

« UTILISATEUR » ou « VOUS » désigne tout utilisateur de la PLATEFORME, personne physique ou personne morale investi de la capacité et/ou du pouvoir nécessaire à l’utilisation de la Plateforme.

« UTILISATEUR INSCRIT » désigne tout utilisateur disposant d’un COMPTE UTILISATEUR. Tout accès et/ou toute utilisation  de la PLATEFORME comme utilisateur inscrit, en qualité de particulier ou de professionnel, à titre personnel ou pour le compte d’un tiers, emporte acceptation expresse et sans réserve des présentes Conditions Générales d’Utilisation, et, le cas échéant, des présentes Conditions Générales de Vente.



La PLATEFORME propose un service en ligne innovant permettant la création, l’édition et la diffusion d’expériences interactives sans connaître une seule ligne de code.

L’UTILISATEUR peut donc héberger tout CONTENU lui appartenant, le disposer sur des pages et paramétrer, à l’aide de menus ergonomiques et sans code informatique, la manière dont il souhaite l’exploiter, notamment aux fins de création, d’édition et de publication de PROJETS, sous réserve d’avoir préalablement créé un compte d’utilisateur (ci-après « COMPTE D’UTILISATEUR »).

L’UTILISATEUR  a seul la faculté de rendre public son ou ses PROJETS par publication sur l’espace de diffusion publique de la PLATEFORME. Il peut ainsi, à son choix, conserver le caractère strictement privé de son ou ses PROJETS ou rendre accessible le ou les dits PROJETS sur la PLATEFORME via la fonction « Publier » ou « Dé-publier ».


Chaque UTILISATEUR a accès à :

  • un espace de diffusion des PROJETS rendus publics via la fonction « Publier » ;
  • la faculté de partager  et d’embarquer les PROJETS rendus publics via la fonction « Embed » ;
  • un espace de diffusion des informations, notamment relatives aux modalités d’utilisation de la PLATEFORME et du SERVICE ;
  • la consultation de l’espace d’achat (ci-après désigné « STORE ») où  seul l’UTILISATEUR inscrit a la faculté d’acheter des fonctionnalités d’édition supplémentaires, des modèles de navigation interactive et d’acquérir un export  permettant de diffuser un PROJET hors de la PLATEFORME sans la mention « RACONTR »
  • la consultation des tutoriaux et des forums d’aide alimentés par les commentaires de DJEHOUTI et des autres UTILISATEURS.

Pour pouvoir disposer de fonctions supplémentaires, les UTILISATEURS doivent créer un COMPTE UTILISATEUR.


Chaque UTILISATEUR ayant préalablement créé un COMPTE UTILISATEUR a accès aux fonctions supplémentaires suivantes :

  • une page d’administration de son compte (ci-après « ESPACE PERSONNEL ») lui permettant de modifier ses données personnelles, d’accéder et de consulter sa facturation détaillée le cas échant, de nouer des contacts avec d’autres UTILISATEURS et de créer un ou plusieurs PROJETS ;
  • un outil d’édition de son ou ses PROJETS se décomposant en 4 (quatre) parties qui permettent de paramétrer les constantes du PROJET, de mettre en ligne par téléchargement ses contenus multimedias sur un espace de stockage serveur, d’éditer et de diffuser son ou ses PROJETS via la PLATEFORME;
  • un espace d’achat (ci-après désignée “STORE”) où il peut acheter des fonctionnalités d’édition supplémentaires, des modèles de navigation interactive et acquérir un export lui permettant de diffuser son PROJET hors de la PLATEFORME sans la mention « RACONTR » ;
  • un espace de diffusion pour son ou chacun de ses PROJETS publiés et sur lequel les autres UTILISATEURS peuvent visionner gratuitement son PROJET, le partager sur les réseaux sociaux, l’embarquer, le commenter et la faculté de manifester son appréciation positive du PROJET à l’aide de la fonction « like ».
  • des tutoriaux et une aide en ligne via des forums alimentés par les commentaires de DJEHOUTI et des autres UTILISATEURS.

Chaque UTILISATEUR inscrit dispose de la possibilité, offerte gratuitement, de créer un nombre illimité de PROJETS selon les caractéristiques suivantes :

  • 500 Mo (cinq cents méga octets) d’hébergement au total pour l’ensemble des PROJETS
  • mise à disposition de l’outil d’édition de son ou ses PROJETS ;
  • mise à disposition de modèles de navigation interactive et de fonctionnalités d’édition proposés gratuitement via le STORE
  • possibilité de bénéficier d’une capacité d’hébergement supplémentaire pour son ou ses PROJETS grâce à la fonctionnalité de « Parrainage » lui permettant d’inviter des tiers à rejoindre la PLATEFORME.

L’UTILISATEUR inscrit a la possibilité d’acheter diverses améliorations et notamment un hébergement plus important, des fonctionnalités d’édition supplémentaires, des modèles de navigation interactive aux conditions définies dans les Conditions Générales de Vente (ci-après « CGV »).



L’inscription au SERVICE est nécessaire pour pouvoir bénéficier de toutes les fonctionnalités proposées par RACONTR.

Cette inscription passe par la création d’un COMPTE UTILISATEUR et la fourniture de données à caractère personnel vous concernant (au minimum : identifiant, adresse e-mail, mot de passe). Vous demeurez à tout moment libre de modifier la teneur des données à caractère personnel communiquées à cette occasion selon les modalités déterminées à l’article 6 des présentes CGU.

Dès validation du formulaire, Vous recevrez un courrier électronique vous invitant à cliquer sur un lien aux fins de confirmer votre inscription. L’accès à votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR s’effectue par saisie de votre identifiant et mot de passe associé, dont vous assurez seul la confidentialité. La création de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR vous permet de bénéficier de l’ESPACE PERSONNEL dédié à la gestion de votre compte et dont l’accès vous est exclusivement réservé.

L’utilisation de la PLATEFORME à compter de votre inscription est valable pour une durée indéterminée


2.2.1 Résiliation à votre initiative


A tout moment, vous avez la possibilité de mettre fin à l’utilisation de la PLATEFORME en désactivant votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR grâce au lien « Désactivation de votre Compte » accessible depuis votre ESPACE PERSONNEL.

La désactivation de votre compte (ci-après « DESACTIVATION ») consiste en un blocage des fonctionnalités d’édition et de diffusion de votre ou vos PROJETS et de votre accès à votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR, du retrait de votre ou vos PROJETS rendus publics depuis la création de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR sur les espace de diffusion de la PLATEFORME et du blocage de votre accès au STORE.

Vos PROJETS seront conservés sur les serveurs de DJEHOUTI durant une durée maximale de 6 (six) mois à compter de la désactivation de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR, durée durant laquelle vous aurez la faculté de demander l’export de votre ou vos PROJETS sous réserve d’avoir souscrit l’option correspondante dans les conditions précisées dans les CGV ci-après.

A l’expiration de cette durée de 6 (six) mois, vos PROJETS et CONTENUS, votre COMPTE et vos DONNEES PERSONNELLES hébergés par sur la PLATEFORME seront définitivement supprimés des serveurs de DJEHOUTI, sans possibilité de récupération.

2.2.2 Résiliation à l’initiative de DJEHOUTI

DJEHOUTI se réserve la possibilité de mettre fin à tout moment, par courrier électronique et moyennant un préavis raisonnable, à votre utilisation du SERVICE en désactivant votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR, sans droit à indemnité à votre profit.

En outre, en cas de non-respect des présentes CGU, des CGV le cas échéant et des obligations inhérentes à « VOS RESPONSABILITES » visées à l’article 7 des présentes CGU, l’accès à votre Espace Personnel peut être, immédiatement et sans préavis, temporairement ou définitivement suspendu au moyen de la DESACTIVATION de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR et ce, sans préjudice des autres droits de DJEHOUTI.

Le ou les PROJETS associés à ce COMPTE UTILISATEUR (en ce compris les CONTENUS) seront conservés durant une durée maximale de 6 (six) mois à compter de la DESACTIVATION du COMPTE UTILISATEUR sur les serveurs de DJEHOUTI et seront accessibles sur demande judiciaire ou sur votre sollicitation sous réserve des lois et règlements en vigueur et des CGV.

A compter de la DESACTIVATION de Votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR et avant l’expiration de la durée de 6 (six) mois précisée ci-dessus, vous avez la faculté de solliciter la réactivation de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR sous réserve du parfait respect des présentes CGU, des lois et règlements en vigueur et, le cas échéant, du complet paiement de votre abonnement conformément aux CGV.

A l’expiration de cette durée de 6 (six) mois, vos PROJETS et CONTENUS hébergés sur la PLATEFORME, votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR et vos DONNEES PERSONNELLES telles que définies à l’article 6 des présentes CGU seront définitivement supprimés des serveurs de DJEHOUTI.


DJEHOUTI n’acquiert aucun droit de propriété sur vos CONTENUS ou vos PROJETS.

Toutefois, Vous accordez à DJEHOUTI un droit cessible afin de permettre à DJEHOUTI d’héberger vos CONTENUS et vos PROJETS sur ses serveurs et les diffuser par le biais du SERVICE, pour le monde entier et la durée du CONTRAT. En vertu de ce droit, DJEHOUTI dispose de la faculté d’utiliser, de reproduire, de représenter et de diffuser, gratuitement vos CONTENUS et vos PROJETS dans le cadre de l’exploitation du SERVICE  et de la PLATEFORME.

Vous reconnaissez également autoriser DJEHOUTI à utiliser, représenter et diffuser, librement et gratuitement, vos CONTENUS et PROJETS rendus publics sur la PLATEFORME, dans le monde entier et pendant toute la durée du CONTRAT, en intégralité ou par extraits, aux fins de promotion de ses activités et de la PLATEFORME.

Par ailleurs, dès lors que vous rendez publics vos PROJETS sur la PLATEFORME, vous accordez aux autres UTILISATEURS du SERVICE un droit non exclusif d’accéder, librement et gratuitement, à vos PROJETS et vos CONTENUS par le biais de la PLATEFORME  ainsi que  celui de les reproduire, représenter, et diffuser, dans les conditions prévues aux présentes CGU.

Ainsi, Vous reconnaissez accepter que les autres UTILISATEURS disposent, gratuitement et à des fins exclusivement personnelles, de la faculté de visualiser, partager ou embarquer vos PROJETS rendus publics sur la PLATEFORME ou à partir de la PLATEFORME, et ce sur tout autre support de communication (support accessible depuis notamment, les téléphones mobiles, tablettes et télévisions connectées) et ce, pendant toute la durée pendant laquelle vos PROJETS resteront publiés sur la PLATEFORME.

A tout moment, et à votre initiative, Vous avez la possibilité de supprimer la diffusion de votre ou vos PROJETS des espaces de diffusion publique de la PLATEFORME via la fonction « Dépublier » accessible depuis votre ESPACE PERSONNEL. A compter de l’activation de cette fonction, vos PROJETS ne pourront plus être visualisés, partagés ou embarqués par les autres UTILISATEURS de la PLATEFORME.


Si Vous souhaitez exploiter à des fins autres que personnelles les PROJETS rendus publics sur la PLATEFORME par un UTILISATEUR, il vous appartient de vous rapprocher préalablement de ce dernier pour obtenir les autorisations requises.

En outre, Vous n’êtes pas autorisés à modifier, améliorer, éditer, traduire, décompiler, désassembler ou créer une ou plusieurs oeuvre(s) dérivée(s) à partir des PROJETS et/ou CONTENUS des autres UTILISATEURS, en tout ou en partie, sauf si cette possibilité vous a été expressément et préalablement été accordés dans le cadre d’un accord distinct.

Vous reconnaissez être informé que, compte tenu des caractéristiques intrinsèques de l’internet, les données transmises, notamment vos CONTENUS et vos PROJETS, ne sont pas protégées contre les risques de détournement et/ou de piratage, ce dont DJEHOUTI ne saurait être tenue pour responsable. Il vous appartient donc, le cas échéant, de prendre toutes les mesures appropriées de façon à protéger les données vous appartenant.


Tout UTILISATEUR de la PLATEFORME peut publier ses PROJETS conformément aux CGU. Vous vous engagez expressément à ne pas accéder aux CONTENUS et/ou PROJETS publiés par les autres UTILISATEURS sur la PLATEFORME à des fins autres que strictement personnelle, en dehors de tout usage à des fins commerciales, telle que prévue et autorisée par les fonctionnalités d’utilisation normale de la PLATEFORME.


La PLATEFORME est la propriété exclusive de DJEHOUTI. D’une manière générale, DJEHOUTI vous accorde un droit gratuit, personnel, non-exclusif et non-transférable d’accès et d’utilisation de la PLATEFORME sous réserve de votre acceptation et complet respect des CGU.

L’accès et/ou l’utilisation de la PLATEFORME est insusceptible de conférer un quelconque droit autre que ceux mentionnés expressément aux présentes CGU sauf accord préalable et écrit de DJEHOUTI.

Le contenu autre que votre CONTENU et celui des autres UTILISATEURS, inclus ou accessible sur et/ou à travers la PLATEFORME et notamment tout texte, graphique, logos, noms, marques, désignations, onglets, fonctionnalités, images, sons, données, photographies, graphiques, et tout autre matériel ou logiciel (ci-après le « CONTENU RACONTR ») est la propriété exclusive de DJEHOUTI ou de ses licenciés, est protégé par le droit de la propriété intellectuelle et est soumis aux lois et réglementations applicables en la matière.

Le CONTENU RACONTR ne doit en aucun cas être téléchargé, copié, altéré, modifié, supprimé, distribué, transmis, diffusé, vendu, loué, concédé ou exploité, en tout ou en partie, de quelque manière que ce soit, sans l’accord préalable, exprès et écrit de DJEHOUTI ou de ses licenciés. Toute utilisation ou exploitation du CONTENU RACONTR à des fins et conditions autres que celles déterminées au sein des présentes CGU est expressément interdite.

En outre, Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à modifier, améliorer, éditer, traduire, décompiler, désassembler ou créer une ou plusieurs oeuvre(s) dérivée(s) à partir du CONTENU RACONTR, en tout ou en partie, sauf si cette possibilité vous a été expressément et préalablement octroyée par DJEHOUTI, dans le cadre d’un accord distinct.


DJEHOUTI protège la vie privée de ses UTILISATEURS en respectant la législation en vigueur. Ainsi, DJEHOUTI a déclaré la collecte et le traitement de vos données à caractère personnel (ci-après les « DONNEES PERSONNELLES ») auprès de la Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (« CNIL ») (récépissé de déclaration n°1631994).

Le présent article encadre la protection des DONNEES PERSONNELLES collectées et traitées à l’occasion de votre accès et/ou utilisation de la PLATEFORME dans les conditions visées aux présentes CGU. Par ailleurs, DJEHOUTI peut être amenée à mettre à jour les CGU pour suivre l’évolution du SERVICE et de vos droits.

Toute mise à jour sera signalée de manière visible sur la page de la PLATEFORME dédiée aux CGU.


Par “DONNEES PERSONNELLES”, DJEHOUTI entend toutes les informations vous concernant que Vous nous fournirez volontairement lors de l’ouverture d’un COMPTE UTILISATEUR sur la PLATEFORME et/ou celles qui seront collectées dans le cadre de votre accès et/ou utilisation de la PLATEFORME. Ces DONNEES PERSONNELLES comprennent ainsi aussi bien les données d’Inscription, votre profil et les données de facturation que les données d’utilisation ci-après définies.

Les données d’inscription que Vous nous transmettez lorsque Vous vous inscrivez sur notre PLATEFORME via le formulaire d’inscription sont votre identifiant et votre adresse e-mail. Il est de votre responsabilité de vous assurer que les données permettant de Vous identifier soient exactes et complètes.

Ces données d’inscription sont nécessaires pour créer et gérer votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR et Vous faire bénéficier de toutes les fonctionnalités de la  PLATEFORME. DJEHOUTI n’utilisera pas vos données d’inscription sans votre contentement, sauf dans les conditions prévues à l’article L. 34-5 du Code des Postes et Communications électroniques. Vous disposerez à cette occasion de la possibilité de vous opposer à ces envois.

Le profil est constitué de toutes les informations personnelles que Vous fournissez volontairement et postérieurement à la création de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR, tels que vos nom, prénom, dénomination sociale, avatar, identifiant et descriptif.
Les données de facturation sont nécessaires pour Vous permettre d’accéder aux services payants de la plateforme et sont constituées de vos nom, prénom ou dénomination sociale, adresse et numéro de TVA le cas échéant. Les données de facturation doivent être et demeurées exactes et sincères.

Les données d’utilisation sont quant à elle collectées automatiquement lors de vos connexions sur la PLATEFORME, telles que votre adresse IP (l’adresse de votre ordinateur), les pages visitées, le type de navigateur utilisé, l’heure et la date de navigation, etc.

Vous êtes informé que bien qu’inscrit sur la PLATEFORME ou non, un procédé automatique de traçage (cookies ou balises) est mis en œuvre sur la PLATEFORME, procédé auquel Vous pouvez faire obstacle en modifiant les paramètres de votre navigateur internet.
Ces données d’utilisation recueillies à travers ce procédé automatique de traçage sont anonymes et sont utilisées dans le seul but d’améliorer la qualité de la PLATEFORME.

Les DONNEES PERSONNELLES permettant de vous identifier ne font l’objet d’aucune communication à des tiers. Vous êtes toutefois informé qu’elles pourront être divulguées en application d’une loi, d’un règlement ou en vertu d’une décision d’une autorité réglementaire ou judiciaire compétente.


DJEHOUTI met en œuvre toutes mesures appropriées aux fins de restreindre les risques de perte, détérioration ou de mauvaise utilisation de celles-ci. DJEHOUTI vous demandera ainsi un mot de passe lors de l’ouverture d’un COMPTE UTILISATEUR, qui permet de protéger votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR contre tout accès non autorisé. Vous êtes responsable de la conservation et du caractère confidentiel de votre mot de passe ainsi que de son utilisation.


Les DONNEES PERSONNELLES sont stockées sur les serveurs de DJEHOUTI et sont conservées pour la durée strictement nécessaire à l’utilisation de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR.

Toutefois, Vous êtes informés qu’à compter de la désactivation de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR pour quelque raison que ce soit, les DONNEES PERSONNELLES ainsi que le contenu qui y est associé seront conservés pendant une durée maximale de 6 (six) mois à compter de la DESACTIVATION de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR. Au-delà de cette durée, les DONNEES PERSONNELLES ainsi que votre CONTENU et vos PROJETS seront supprimés des serveurs de DJEHOUTI et votre identifiant sera à nouveau rendu disponible pour les internautes qui souhaitent s’inscrire sur la PLATEFORME.


DJEHOUTI vous informe que Vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification et de suppression de vos DONNEES PERSONNELLES et ce, dans le cadre de la législation en vigueur. Vous pouvez à tout moment accéder et modifier en ligne les informations associées à votre Profil depuis votre Espace Personnel.

Vous pouvez également exercer votre demande d’accès, de modification ou de suppression de vos DONNEES PERSONNELLES, sous réserve de justifier de votre identité, si ces DONNEES PERSONNELLES sont inexactes, incomplètes, équivoques, périmées, ou si leur collecte, leur utilisation, leur communication ou leur conservation est interdite, en adressant une demande en ce sens par courrier à l’adresse suivante : DJEHOUTI SAS, 146 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière – 75010 Paris, en joignant une copie de votre pièce d’identité ou de votre extrait de K-BIS et la mention de vos éléments d’identification (pseudo) sur la PLATEFORME.



En fournissant votre CONTENU sur la PLATEFORME, Vous êtes tenu au respect des dispositions légales et réglementaires en vigueur. Il vous appartient en conséquence de vous assurer que le stockage et la diffusion de votre CONTENU sur et via la PLATEFORME ne constitue pas (i) une violation des droits de propriété intellectuelle de tiers, (ii) une atteinte aux personnes (notamment diffamation, insultes, injures, atteintes à la dignité de la personnes ou à la présomption d’innocence  etc.) et au respect de la vie privée, (iii) une atteinte à l’ordre public et aux bonnes mœurs (notamment, apologie des crimes contre l’humanité, incitation à la violence ou à la haine raciale, pornographie, pédopornographie, etc.).

En mettant en ligne et en mettant à la disposition des autres UTILISATEURS  votre CONTENU et vos PROJETS sur et/ou à travers la PLATEFORME, Vous garantissez que vous détenez tous les droits et autorisations nécessaires de la part des ayants droit concernés et que Vous vous êtes acquittés de tous les droits et paiements dus auxdits ayants droits dont notamment les sociétés de gestion collective concernées.

A défaut, votre CONTENU et vos PROJETS seront retirés et/ou votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR désactivé sans formalité préalable. En outre, Vous encourrez, à titre personnel, les sanctions pénales spécifiques au contenu litigieux (peines d’emprisonnement et amende), outre la condamnation éventuelle au paiement de dommages et intérêts. Compte tenu du caractère communautaire de la PLATEFORME et par respect pour les sensibilités de chacun, il appartient à chaque UTILISATEUR de conserver une certaine éthique quant aux CONTENUS mis en ligne et, notamment, de s’abstenir de diffuser tout CONTENU à caractère violent, pornographique, antisémite ou négationniste, ainsi que tout CONTENU choquant de quelque manière que ce soit.

A toutes fins utiles, à chaque PROJET est automatiquement associé un lien “Signaler ce projet” permettant aux autres UTILISATEURS de rapporter tout abus.


DJEHOUTI vous offre la possibilité de vous exprimer par le biais de forums de discussions (ci-après les “ESPACES D’EXPRESSION”) accessibles sur la PLATEFORME et dont le fonctionnement repose sur le principe de respect mutuel.

La participation aux ESPACES D’EXPRESSION nécessite la création préalable d’un COMPTE UTILISATEUR.

Vous êtes seuls responsables des propos que vous tenez sur les ESPACES D’EXPRESSION, DJEHOUTI n’étant ni l’auteur ni l’éditeur de ces propos, qu’elle n’est pas tenue de contrôler ni de surveiller, conformément aux dispositions de l’article 6.I.2 de la Loi pour la Confiance dans l’Economie Numérique du 21 juin 2004.

A cet égard, Vous vous engagez à respecter les règles de bonne conduite en vigueur sur Internet ainsi qu’à supprimer tout contenu diffusé par vos soins et/ou tout commentaire apporté par un tiers à votre blog qui porterait atteinte aux droits des tiers. DJEHOUTI se réserve également la faculté de procéder directement, et sans avoir à vous en informer préalablement, à la suppression de tout contenu éditorial et/ou de tout commentaire diffusé par vous sur les ESPACES D’EXPRESSION et qui serait, sans limitation, de nature raciste, antisémite, négationniste, pornographique, violent, homophobe, xénophobe ou attentatoire aux bonnes mœurs.

DJEHOUTI se réserve également le droit de suspendre ou de supprimer votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR, voire de vous interdire définitivement de créer un COMPTE UTILISATEUR, par quelque moyen que ce soit, dans l’hypothèse où les propos que vous tiendriez sur les ESPACES D’EXPRESSION seraient contraires aux lois et aux règlements en vigueur.


Conformément à la législation en vigueur, DJEHOUTI n’est pas responsable, civilement ni pénalement, des CONTENUS mis en ligne et/ou diffusés sur ou via la PLATEFORME à moins qu’elle n’ait eu effectivement connaissance du caractère illicite ou abusif des CONTENUS par une notification claire et précise et qu’elle n’ait pris aucune mesure afin de retirer ou rendre inaccessible lesdits CONTENUS. Une telle notification doit être effectuée conformément aux dispositions de l’article 6.I.5 de la Loi pour la Confiance dans l’Economie Numérique du 21 juin 2004.

En conséquence, DJEHOUTI ne voit peser sur elle aucune obligation de contrôler ou de surveiller les PROJETS. Plus généralement, DJEHOUTI n’est pas responsable du CONTENU des PROJETS et ne peut pas garantir que les PROJETS répondront à quelque besoin que ce soit.

Sauf cas exceptionnel dûment mentionné, DJEHOUTI n’a pas vocation à diffuser elle-même des PROJETS.

DJEHOUTI ne saurait en aucun cas être tenue de réparer d’éventuels dommages indirects subis à l’occasion de l’utilisation de la PLATEFORME, de la visualisation ou de l’impossibilité de visualiser un PROJET, en ce compris les pertes d’exploitation et préjudices commerciaux et, plus largement, tout dommage qui ne résulterait pas exclusivement et directement d’une défaillance de DJEHOUTI.

DJEHOUTI ne saurait par ailleurs être tenue de réparer d’éventuels dommages indirects subis en raison de l’exploitation de la PLATEFORME à des fins autres que celles mentionnées dans le cadre des présentes CGU. DJEHOUTI ne saurait notamment voir sa responsabilité engagée en cas d’exploitation par un UTILISATEUR et/ou tout tiers de PROJETS rendus publics à des fins autres que celles mentionnées dans le cadre des présentes CGU.

Sous réserve des dispositions légales impératives applicables, Vous reconnaissez et acceptez expressément que la PLATEFORME vous est proposée en l’état, sans aucune autre garantie expresse ni implicite de la part de DJEHOUTI que celle prévue au présent article.


La PLATEFORME est accessible 24/24h, 7/7j, sauf interruption, programmée ou non, pour les besoins de sa maintenance.

Etant soumise à une obligation de moyens, DJEHOUTI ne saurait être tenue responsable d’un quelconque dommage, quelle qu’en soit la nature, résultant d’une indisponibilité de la PLATEFORME.

DJEHOUTI ne garantit pas que le fonctionnement de la PLATEFORME sera continu. DJEHOUTI ne sera pas tenue de permettre l’accès à la PLATEFORME en cas de force majeure entendue, au sens de la jurisprudence française, comme tout événement imprévisible, irrésistible et extérieur tel que grèves, intempéries, guerres, embargos, défaillances du réseau électrique ou du réseau Internet, défaillances de satellites, manquements de des fournisseurs d’accès à Internet à leurs obligations.

DJEHOUTI ne garantit pas l’accessibilité et/ou la continuité d’un service ou d’une fonctionnalité accessible depuis la PLATEFORME mais offert par un tiers tels que Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc…

L’UTILISATEUR reconnaît que les transmissions de données sur les réseaux de communication électroniques ne bénéficient que d’une fiabilité technique relative, celles-ci circulant sur des réseaux hétérogènes aux caractéristiques et capacités techniques diverses, qui sont parfois saturés à certaines périodes de la journée. En conséquence, DJEHOUTI ne peut en aucun cas être tenue pour responsable des vitesses d’accès ou de ralentissements externes, et ce notamment compte tenu de la complexité des réseaux mondiaux, de l’inégalité des capacités des différents sous réseaux, de l’afflux à certaines heures des utilisateurs, etc.


Dans l’hypothèse où l’une des dispositions des présentes CGU serait déclarée invalide ou inopposable pour quelque cause que ce soit, les autres dispositions demeureront applicables sans changement.


Sous réserve des dispositions légales impératives contraire, tant la PLATEFORME que les modalités et conditions de son utilisation sont régies par le droit français, quel que soit le lieu d’utilisation. En cas de contestation éventuelle, et après l’échec de toute tentative de recherche d’une solution amiable, les tribunaux français seront seuls compétents pour connaître de ce litige.



DJEHOUTI a développé pour la PLATEFORME des SERVICES PAYANTS en vue de permettre à ses UTILISATEURS de donner plus de fonctionnalités d’édition, de modèles de navigation interactives ou de capacité d’hébergement à leurs projets interactifs.

Les présentes Conditions Générales de Vente ont vocation à régir, sans préjudice des dispositions légales applicables, l’utilisation par toute personne, tant morale que physique, du SERVICE PAYANT, en complément des Conditions Générales d’Utilisation de la PLATEFORME, qui continuent en tout état de cause de s’appliquer.

Vous reconnaissez avoir pris connaissance et accepter les présentes CGV avant la passation de votre commande. La validation de votre commande de SERVICE PAYANT vaut donc acceptation sans réserve des CGV.

En outre, vous vous engagez à fournir les données de facturations telles que définies à l’article 4-1 des CGU, données qui doivent être et demeurées exactes et sincères pendant toute la durée de l’utilisation du SERVICE PAYANT.

DJEHOUTI se réserve le droit de modifier les présentes CGV à tout moment. Ces modifications sont opposables à compter de leur mise en ligne.

En cas de non-respect par un UTILISATEUR des présentes CGV, DJEHOUTI se réserve le droit de lui refuser ou de lui supprimer l’accès au SERVICE PAYANT.


Chaque UTILISATEUR inscrit et disposant d’un COMPTE UTILISATEUR tel que défini aux CGU a accès à la possibilité d’acheter diverses formules d’options, telles que décrites en Annexe 1, parmi lesquelles, des fonctionnalités d’édition supplémentaires, des modèles de navigation interactive et de la faculté d’exporter ses PROJETS (ci-après désignés collectivement par « OPTIONS »).


2.2.1 Présentation des ABONNEMENTS

Chaque UTILISATEUR inscrit et disposant d’un COMPTE UTILISATEUR a la possibilité de souscrire un abonnement, tels que décrits en Annexe 2,  lui offrant une capacité de stockage accrue et des SERVICES complémentaires (ci-après désignés collectivement par l’« ABONNEMENT »).

2.2.2 Durée des ABONNEMENTS

Tout abonnement payé à la souscription ou lors d’un renouvellement est non remboursable pour quelque cause que ce soit.

Chaque UTILISATEUR tel que défini ci-dessus peut à tout moment résilier son ABONNEMENT, soit pour souscrire un autre ABONNEMENT, soit pour bénéficier des fonctionnalités de la PLATEFORME gratuitement conformément à l’article 1.2 des CGU.

En cas de modification de la catégorie d’ABONNEMENT souscrit, l’ABONNEMENT antérieurement souscrit sera automatiquement résilié et l’ABONNEMENT nouvellement souscrit sera disponible à la date de modification de l’ABONNEMENT.

A compter de la date de modification de l’ABONNEMENT, soit dès souscription du nouvel ABONNEMENT, chaque UTILISATEUR doit se conformer aux modalités d’utilisation de l’ABONNEMENT nouvellement souscrit.

Lorsque l’ABONNEMENT nouvellement souscrit est d’une catégorie inférieure à l’ABONNEMENT antérieure souscrit, votre capacité d’hébergement est en conséquence immédiatement restreinte.

Si votre CONTENU et/ou votre ou vos PROJETS dépasse la capacité d’hébergement de l’ABONNEMENT nouvellement souscrit, une alerte vous sera immédiatement envoyée à votre adresse e-mail renseignée au moment de votre commande. Vous aurez la faculté, soit de souscrire un ABONNEMENT conforme à vos nouveaux besoins d’hébergement, soit de supprimer votre CONTENU et/ou vos ou votre PROJETS hébergé en dépassement de la capacité d’hébergement offerte par l’ABONNEMENT nouvellement souscrit.

Si vous ne vous conformez pas aux modalités de l’ABONNEMENT nouvellement souscrit dans le délai de 30 (trente) jours calendaires à compter de l’alerte qui vous aura été adressée, votre CONTENU et/ou votre ou vos PROJETS hébergés en dépassement de la capacité d’hébergement fournie par l’ABONNEMENT nouvellement souscrit seront bloqués par DJEHOUTI et rendus inaccessibles. Vous aurez la faculté de solliciter l’export du ou des  PROJETS associés au CONTENU rendu indisponible dans un délai de 6 (six) mois à compter du bocage du CONTENU et/ou des PROJETS. A l’expiration de ce délai de 6 (six) mois, le CONTENU et/ou le ou les PROJETS rendus indisponibles seront définitivement supprimés des serveurs de DJEHOUTI.



Les prix des OPTIONS sont indiqués de manière permanente dans le STORE (lien vers le store) et sont soumis à la TVA en vigueur au moment de la souscription

Les prix des ABONNEMENTS sont indiqués de manière permanente dans l’onglet Tarifs disponible sur la PLATEFORME. Les tarifs en vigueur sont disponibles ici : (lien vers page pricing) et sont soumis à la TVA en vigueur au moment de la souscription.

DJEHOUTI se réserve le droit de modifier le tarif des SERVICES PAYANTS pour toute nouvelle période contractuelle. DJEHOUTI informera alors l’UTILISATEUR de l’augmentation du tarif au moins 1 (un) mois avant la fin de la période contractuelle en cours. L’UTILISATEUR disposera de la faculté d’accepter ou de refuser le nouveau tarif. S’il l’accepte, le nouveau tarif sera applicable sur la nouvelle période contractuelle. S’il le refuse, le Contrat sera résilié à la fin de la période contractuelle en cours.


Il est rappelé que les frais de connexion liés à l’utilisation du SERVICE ne sont pas pris en charge par DJEHOUTI et restent à la charge de l’UTILISATEUR.


Les OPTIONS souscrites sont définitivement acquises par l’Utilisateur selon les modalités d’utilisation du SERVICE telles que précisées à l’Annexe 1 des présentes CGV.

Les ABONNEMENTS  sont souscrits pour les durées telles que définies à l’Annexe 2 des présentes CGU. Tout ABONNEMENT est indéfiniment et automatiquement renouvelable à l’issue de la période contractuelle en cours.

L’UTILISATEUR peut, à tout moment, résilier son ABONNEMENT via la fonction « désabonner » accessible depuis son ESPACE PERSONNEL. Toute résiliation d’un ABONNEMENT en cours ne prendra effet qu’à l’issue de la période contractuelle en cours.


Le paiement du prix par l’UTILISATEUR est effectué en ligne et uniquement grâce aux modes de paiement proposés par PAYPAL via par la PLATEFORME.

3.3.1 Paiement du prix des OPTIONS souscrites

L’UTILISATEUR est tenu du bon paiement du prix des OPTIONS souscrites.

Les OPTIONS souscrites seront disponibles dès validation du paiement.

Une facture sera immédiatement émise par DJEHOUTI et envoyée à l’adresse électronique renseignée par l’UTILISATEUR lors de sa commande sur la PLATEFORME.

3.2.2 Paiement du prix des ABONNEMENTS

L’UTILISATEUR qui a souscrit un ABONNEMENT est tenu du bon paiement du prix de son ABONNEMENT à compter de sa date de souscription et pendant toute la durée dudit ABONNEMENT.

L’ABONNEMENT est considéré comme souscrit et en conséquence disponible à compter de la validation par DJEHOUTI du paiement de la première période contractuelle..

En cas de modification de la catégorie d’ABONNEMENT souscrit en cours d’ABONNEMENT, le prix de l’ABONNEMENT nouvellement souscrit sera dû immédiatement à compter de sa date de souscription.

Lorsque Vous optez pour un ABONNEMENT de catégorie supérieure par rapport à l’ABONNEMENT antérieurement souscrit, l’ABONNEMENT nouvellement souscrit sera valide dès sa souscription et l’ABONNEMENT antérieurement souscrit sera automatiquement résilié. Dans ce cas, le prix de la dernière période contractuelle de l’ABONNEMENT antérieurement souscrit sera déduit du prix de la première période contractuelle de l’ABONNEMENT nouvellement souscrit.

Lorsque Vous optez pour un Abonnement de catégorie inférieure à l’ABONNEMENT antérieurement souscrit, l’ABONNEMENT nouvellement souscrit sera valide dès sa souscription et l’ABONNEMENT antérieurement souscrit sera automatiquement résilié. Dans ce cas, aucun remboursement du montant du prix de l’ABONNEMENT antérieurement souscrit ne pourra avoir lieu.

La facturation de l’ABONNEMENT par DJEHOUTI sera émise mensuellement à la date anniversaire de sa souscription à l’adresse e-mail de l’UTILISATEUR renseignée lors de sa commande sur la PLATEFORME.


3.3.1 Défaut de paiement du prix des OPTIONS

En cas de défaut de paiement du prix de la ou des OPTIONS souscrite, la ou lesdites OPTIONS seront considérées comme non souscrites et en conséquence automatiquement indisponibles.

3-3.2 Défaut de paiement du prix des ABONNEMENTS

En cas de défaut de paiement de la première période contractuelle du prix d’un ABONNEMENT, l’ABONNEMENT sera considéré comme non souscrit et en conséquence automatiquement indisponible.

En cas de non-paiement d’une période contractuelle subséquente à la date anniversaire de la période contractuelle de souscription initiale de l’ABONNEMENT, votre ABONNEMENT sera automatiquement résilié après 2 (deux) demandes de paiement demeurées infructueuses.

Les demandes de paiement (ci-après « RELANCES ») seront adressées par e-mail à l’adresse renseignée au moment de votre commande sur la PLATEFORME. La première RELANCE sera générée le jour même du défaut de paiement de l’ABONNEMENT correspondant. La seconde RELANCE sera générée 15 (quinze) jours après l’envoi de la première RELANCE.

A l’expiration d’un délai de 10 (dix) jours à compter de la seconde RELANCE, votre ABONNEMENT sera automatiquement résilié et la capacité d’hébergement de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR sera réduite à la capacité du SERVICE disponible gratuitement conformément aux CGU.

A compter de la résiliation de votre ABONNEMENT et si votre CONTENU et/ou votre ou vos PROJETS dépassent la capacité d’hébergement du SERVICE gratuit vous aurez la faculté, soit de souscrire un ABONNEMENT conforme à vos besoins d’hébergement, soit de supprimer votre CONTENU et/ou votre ou vos PROJETS hébergé en dépassement de la capacité d’hébergement offerte par le SERVICE gratuit.

Si vous ne vous conformez pas aux modalités du SERVICE, votre CONTENU et/ou votre ou vos PROJETS hébergé en dépassement de la capacité d’hébergement fournie par le SERVICE gratuit seront bloqués par DJEHOUTI et rendus inaccessibles. Vous aurez la faculté de solliciter l’export du ou des PROJETS associés au CONTENU rendu indisponible dans un délai de 6 (six) mois à compter du bocage du CONTENU et/ou des PROJETS. A l’expiration de ce délai de 6 (six) mois, le CONTENU et le ou les PROJETS rendus indisponibles seront définitivement supprimés des serveurs de DJEHOUTI.



Conformément aux dispositions de l’article L. 121-21-8 1° et 13° du Code de la consommation, l’UTILISATEUR consommateur, reconnait et accepte expressément (i) que la fourniture du SERVICE PAYANT est assurée par DJEHOUTI dès la validation de son paiement soit avant la fin du délai de rétractation de 14 (quatorze) jours prévu à l’article L. 121-21 du Code de la consommation et donc (ii) accepte expressément de renoncer à son droit de rétractation lié à la vente en ligne ou à distance tel que prévu à l’article L. 121-21 précité. En conséquence de ce qui précède, aucune demande de rétractation, d’annulation ou de remboursement formulée auprès de DJEHOUTI ne sera recevable.


L’UTILISATEUR s’engage à fournir à DJEHOUTI des informations (adresse et coordonnées bancaires) exactes et à informer DJEHOUTI dans les meilleurs délais de toute modification de ces informations.

En particulier, en cas de prélèvement bancaire automatique, l’UTILISATEUR s’engage à mettre à jour ses coordonnées bancaires ou son numéro de carte bancaire avant le 20 du mois en cours par courrier comprenant tout justificatif nécessaire (notamment le nouveau relevé d’identité bancaire) et s’engage également à prévenir son nouvel établissement bancaire du prélèvement mensuel qui s’effectuera sur son compte par DJEHOUTI.


L’UTILISATEUR s’engage à indiquer ses coordonnées (nom, prénom, numéro d’UTILISATEUR) à DJEHOUTI dans toute correspondance afin de faciliter l’authentification et le traitement de ses demandes. Toute demande incomplète ne sera pas traitée par DJEHOUTI.


L’Utilisation du SERVICE PAYANT et le paiement de son prix vous autorisent à bénéficier, selon leurs modalités, des fonctionnalités dont Vous aurez acquitté le prix et ce jusqu’à la clôture de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR, pour quelque raison que ce soit, en conformité avec les CGU et les présentes CGV.

Vous êtes également autorisé à utiliser le SERVICE pour fournir vos propres prestations à un tiers sans avoir à demander d’autorisation préalable à DJEHOUTI, sauf si ces prestataires contreviennent aux droits de propriété intellectuelle de DJEHOUTI ou constitue une contrefaçon du SERVICE et/ou du PLATEFORME.


Dans l’hypothèse où l’une des dispositions des présentes CGV serait déclarée invalide ou inopposable pour quelque cause que ce soit, les autres dispositions demeureront applicables sans changement.


Le Contrat est régi par la loi française.

Toute contestation relative au Contrat sera soumise à la compétence exclusive du tribunal compétent de Paris, à l’exception des litiges concernant des personnes non commerçants et pour lesquelles les règles légales d’attribution de compétence s’appliquent


Pour la création de PROJETS, l’UTILISATEUR inscrit et disposant d’un COMPTE a la faculté d’acquérir des OPTIONS aux fins de bénéficier de SERVICES supplémentaires.

L’acquisition des OPTIONS est régie par les CGU et les CGV selon les modalités définies dans la présente Annexe 1 et la fiche produit propre à chaque OPTION.

Les OPTIONS sont constituées de PLUGINS et TEMPLATES tels que déterminés dans les fiches produit accessibles sur la PLATEFORME via le STORE.

Les OPTIONS acquises sont utilisables pour un PROJET ou pour tous PROJETS selon les modalités définies dans la fiche produits propre à chaque OPTION.

DJEHOUTI ne garantie pas une  compatibilité à cent pour cent (100%) des OPTIONS avec tout navigateur, serveur et ou tout support, certains facteurs tels que le nombre d’éléments sur la scène ou la taille des ressources pouvant être la cause d’incompatibilité.

DJEHOUTI ne garantie pas la qualité du visionnage lorsqu’elle est affectée par des facteurs indépendants de DJEHOUTI, tels que la qualité de la connexion, la puissance de l’ordinateur, le poids des contenus téléversés, la vétusté du système d’exploitation ou du navigateur de l’UTILISATEUR.

Lorsque l’OPTION nécessite l’utilisation d’un service tiers, DJEHOUTI ne garantie pas l’accessibilité, la pérennité et la qualité du service tiers.



Aux fins d’utilisation des TEMPLATES, les plugins nécessaires sont inclus dans le coût de la FORMULE.

Selon leur complexité d’utilisation les TEMPLATES bénéficient ou non d’une documentation d’aide à l’utilisation. La dite documentation est disponible dans la fiche produit accessible depuis la PLATEFORME via le STORE.

Lorsque la TEMPLATE comporte, à titre d’exemple, des contenus ou des fonctionnalités, propriété de DJEHOUTI ou de tiers, et dont la propriété intellectuelle est mentionnée de manière apparente, il est strictement interdit à l’UTILISATEUR de supprimer la dite mention.


Pour la création de PROJETS, l’UTILISATEUR inscrit et disposant d’un COMPTE a la faculté de souscrire un ABONNEMENT payant aux fins d’augmenter sa capacité d’hébergement dans les conditions définies aux CGU et/ou de bénéficier de SERVICES complémentaires.

La souscription d’un ABONNEMENT est régie par les CGU, les CGV et la présente Annexe 2 selon les modalités définies dans les formules d’abonnement (ci-après « FORMULES ») ci-après déterminées et la fiche produit propre à chaque FORMULE.

La souscription d’un ABONNEMENT vous permet d’ajouter aux 500 Mo d’hébergement offerts gratuitement dans le cadre du SERVICE, une capacité d’hébergement de vos CONTENUS ET PROJETS supérieure et, le cas échéant, de bénéficier de SERVICES complémentaires.

Seul le poids du CONTENU téléversé sur la PLATEFORME par l’UTILISATEUR est imputé sur la capacité d’hébergement. Aux fins de maximiser la capacité d’hébergement de l’UTILISATEUR, le poids du CONTENU constitué de sons et ou d’images est compressé préalablement à l’imputation des dits CONTENUS dans la capacité d’hébergement.

DJEHOUTI ne garantie pas une compatibilité à cent pour cent (100%) du SERVICE avec tout navigateur, serveur et ou tout support, certains facteurs tels que le nombre d’éléments sur la scène ou taille des ressources pouvant être la cause d’incompatibilité.

DJEHOUTI ne garantie pas la qualité du visionnage lorsqu’elle est affectée par des facteurs indépendant de DJEHOUTI, tels que la qualité de la connexion, la puissance de l’ordinateur, le poids des contenus téléversés, la vétusté du système d’exploitation ou du navigateur de l’UTILISATEUR.

L’utilisation du SERVICE par ABONNEMENT est exclusivement réservée à l’UTILISATEUR qui a souscrit un ABONNEMENT. Toute utilisation multi-utilisateurs d’un ABONNEMENT est strictement interdite.


L’ABONNEMENT est d’une durée d’un mois renouvelable automatiquement et indéfiniment dans les conditions définies aux CGV.

Le support d’aide à l’utilisation du SERVICE est réalisé en langues française et anglaise grâce à l’accès aux tutoriaux et  via les forums d’aide en ligne.

Les dits forums sont alimentés par les UTILISATEURS et DJEHOUTI. DJEHOUTI n’est tenu d’aucun engagement de réponse ou de délai de réponse aux questions postées par les UTILISATEURS sur les forums d’aide en ligne.

Les tutoriaux sont accessibles en ligne depuis les espaces qui y sont dédiés sur la PLATEFORME.


Capacité d’hébergement : 500 (cinq cents) Mo offerts gratuitement plus 1 (un) Go.

Nombre de PROJETS : illimités dans la limite de la capacité d’hébergement.

Support d’aide à l’utilisation du SERVICE : accès aux forums d’aide en ligne et aux tutoriaux.


Capacité d’hébergement : 500 (cinq cents) Mo offerts gratuitement plus 5 (cinq) Go.

Nombre de PROJETS : illimités dans la limite de la capacité d’hébergement.

Support d’aide à l’utilisation du SERVICE : accès aux forums d’aide en ligne et aux tutoriaux.


Capacité d’hébergement : 500 (cinq cents) Mo offerts gratuitement plus 10 (dix) Go.

Nombre de PROJETS : illimités dans la limite de la capacité d’hébergement.

Support d’aide à l’utilisation du SERVICE : accès aux forums d’aide en ligne et aux tutoriaux.


Capacité d’hébergement : 500 (cinq cents) Mo offerts gratuitement plus 20 (vingt) Go.

Nombre de PROJETS : illimités dans la limite de la capacité d’hébergement.

Support d’aide à l’utilisation du SERVICE : accès aux forums d’aide en ligne et aux tutoriels.



L’ABONNEMENT est d’une durée de 12 mois renouvelable automatiquement et indéfiniment dans les conditions définies aux CGV.

Le support d’aide à l’utilisation du SERVICE est réalisé selon les modalités définies dans les FORMULES telles que déterminées ci-après. Il est fourni en langues française et anglaise, les jours ouvrables déterminés comme tels en France exclusivement et entre 10 (dix) heures et 19 (dix-neuf) heures, heures françaises.

Le dit support d’aide comprend l’accès aux tutoriaux et aux tutoriaux dédiés aux FORMULES PROFESSIONNELLES ainsi qu’une aide personnalisée à l’utilisation du SERVICE à l’exclusion des pages de PROJETS importer via la fonction « embed » et des développements spécifiques réalisés par l’UTILISATEUR pour lesquels DJEHOUTI ne saurait garantir ni le bon fonctionnement ni une aide à l’utilisation.

Lorsque le support d’aide personnalisée est réalisé par formation et dans les locaux de l’UTILISATEUR les frais de déplacement et d’hébergement le cas échéant du ou des formateurs de DJEHOUTI ne sont pas inclus dans le coût de la FORMULE. Ces frais demeurent à la charge de l’UTILISATEUR en sus du coût de la FORMULE.

Lorsque le support d’aide personnalisée est réalisé par formation DJEHOUTI se réserve le droit d’annuler une formation présentielle ou à distance sous réserve d’un avertissement de l’UTILISATEUR par e-mail à l’adresse de messagerie renseignée sur son COMPTE 8 (huit) jours avant la date de la formation lorsque le nombre total de participants est inférieur à 4 (quatre).


Capacité d’hébergement : 500 (cinq cents) Mo offerts gratuitement plus 50 (cinquante) Go.

Nombre de PROJETS : illimités dans la limite de la capacité d’hébergement.

Support d’aide personnalisée à l’utilisation du SERVICE : par e-mail dans un délai maximum de 24 (vingt-quatre) heures dans la limite de 8 (huit) échanges d’e-mail par mois. Le dit support est exclusivement dédié à la résolution des difficultés de nature technique de l’utilisation du SERVICE.


Capacité d’hébergement : 500 (cinq cents) Mo offerts gratuitement plus 100 (cent) Go.

Nombre de PROJETS : illimités dans la limite de la capacité d’hébergement.


L’UTILISATEUR bénéficie des PLUGINS inclus dans la FORMULE tels que déterminés dans la fiche produits de la FORMULE PREMIUM accessible via le STORE.


L’UTILISATEUR bénéficie des TEMPLATES incluses dans la FORMULE telles que déterminées dans la fiche produits de la FORMULE PREMIUM accessible via le STORE.

Lorsque la TEMPLATE comporte, à titre d’exemple, des contenus ou des fonctionnalités, propriété de DJEHOUTI ou de tiers, et dont la propriété intellectuelle est mentionnée de manière apparente, il est strictement interdit à l’UTILISATEUR de supprimer la dite mention.

Support d’aide personnalisée à l’utilisation du service : par e-mail, par Skype et par formation.

Le support d’aide personnalisé par e-mail est réalisé dans un délai maximum du 24 (vingt-quatre) heures dans la limite de 8 (huit) échanges d’e-mail par mois. Le dit support est exclusivement dédié à la résolution des difficultés de nature technique de l’utilisation du SERVICE.

Le support d’aide personnalisée par Skype est réalisé à la demande de l’UTILISATEUR aux dates et heures déterminées en accord avec DJEHOUTI et pour une durée ne pouvant excéder 2 (deux) heures par mois, soit une durée maximale de 24 (vingt-quatre) incluses dans la FORMULE PREMIUM. Tout crédit de support mensuel non utilisé est considéré comme définitivement consommé. Ainsi, les crédits de support mensuel ne sont pas cumulables. Le dit support est exclusivement dédié à la résolution de difficultés de nature technique de l’utilisation du SERVICE.

Le support d’aide personnalisée par formation est réalisé 1 (une) fois par an à l’une des quatre dates déterminées par DJEHOUTI et qui sont portées à la connaissance l’UTILISATEUR par e-mail à l’adresse de messagerie renseignée sur son ESPACE PERSONNEL. Il comprend au maximum 8 (huit) heures de à la maîtrise avancée du SERVICE dans les conditions suivantes :

–       6 (six) participants maximum,

–       possibilité de formation à distance via Skype ou Google Hangout,

–       frais de déplacements et d’hébergements de l’UTILISATEUR non inclus.


Capacité d’hébergement : 500 (cinq cents) Mo offerts gratuitement plus 200 (deux cents) Go.

Nombre de PROJETS : illimités dans la limite de la capacité d’hébergement.


L’UTILISATEUR bénéficie des PLUGINS inclus dans la FORMULE tels que déterminés dans la fiche produit de la FORMULE UNLIMITED accessible depuis la PLATEFORME via le STORE


L’UTILISATEUR bénéficie des TEMPLATES incluses dans la FORMULE telles que déterminées dans la fiche produit de la FORMULE UNLIMITED accessible via le STORE.

Lorsque la TEMPLATE comporte, à titre d’exemple, des contenus ou des fonctionnalités, propriété de DJEHOUTI ou de tiers, et dont la propriété intellectuelle est mentionnée de manière apparente, il est strictement interdit à l’UTILISATEUR de supprimer la dite mention.

Support d’aide personnalisée à l’utilisation du service : par e-mail, par Skype et par formation.

Le support d’aide personnalisé par e-mail est réalisé dans un délai maximum du 24 (vingt-quatre) heures dans la limite de 8 (huit) échanges d’e-mail par mois. Le dit support est exclusivement dédié à la résolution des difficultés de nature technique de l’utilisation du SERVICE.

Le support d’aide personnalisée par Skype est réalisé à la demande de l’UTILISATEUR aux dates et heures déterminées en accord avec DJEHOUTI et pour une durée ne pouvant excéder 4 (quatre) heures par mois, soit une durée maximale de 48 (quarante-huit) heures incluses dans la FORMULE UNLIMITED. Tout crédit de support mensuel non utilisé est considéré comme définitivement consommé. Ainsi, les crédits de support mensuel ne sont pas cumulables. Le dit support est dédié à la résolution des difficultés de nature technique de l’utilisation du SERVICE et à du conseil en matière de design et d’aide à l’écriture narrative du ou des PROJETS de l’UTILISATEUR

Le support d’aide personnalisée par formation est réalisé au maximum 3 (trois) fois par an aux dates et heures déterminées par DJEHOUTI en accord avec l’UTILISATEUR et qui sont portées à la connaissance l’UTILISATEUR par e-mail à l’adresse de messagerie renseignée sur son ESPACE PERSONNEL. Il comprend au maximum 24 (vingt-quatre) heures de formation  à la maîtrise avancée du SERVICE dans les conditions suivantes :

–       6 (six) participants maximum,

–       possibilité de formation à distance via Skype ou Google Hangout,

–       frais de déplacements et d’hébergements de l’UTILISATEUR non inclus.

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These General Terms of Use are subject to French law and are intended to govern the use of the platform RACONTR.COM with regard to all the content and functions accessible on the RACONTR.COM platform (designated collectively by the term ?Platform? for the purposes hereof) published by the Simplified Joint Stock Company under French law DJEHOUTI (hereafter, ?DJEHOUTI?) (link to Legal Statements).

These General Terms of Use are combined, if necessary, with the General Terms of Sale of DJEHOUTI if the user decides to subscribe to the additional paid services.

Any access and/or use of the Platform, whether or not you have registered on the Platform, in your capacity as an individual or a professional, for personal use or on behalf of a third party, shall constitute your express acceptance without reservation of the General Terms of Use, which shall enter into force as a result of using the Platform.

If you access and/or use the Platform on behalf of a third party and/or as a representative, you guarantee to DJEHOUTI that you hold all of the rights, authorisations and powers necessary to accept the General Terms of Use on behalf of the company, association, partner or any other entity on behalf of which you use or access the Platform and/or create an account according to the terms set out below.

DJEHOUTI may at any time modify the General Terms of Use and the General Terms of Sale. These modifications shall be stated clearly on the Platform. You acknowledge and accept that by using or accessing the Platform after the date of such modifications you are confirming your full and entire acceptance of the General Terms of Use as modified and the General Terms of Sale, as the case may be.

These General Terms of Sale are governed by French law.



In these General Terms of Use, the terms and expressions set out below shall have the following meanings:

?General Terms of Use? means these General Terms of Use, which shall apply to any use of the Platform by the Users, whether free of charge or for payment;

?General Terms of Sale? means the General Terms of Sale which shall apply to any subscription for paid services on the Platform;

?Agreement? means the contractual obligations comprised of the General Terms of Use and the General Terms of Sale and the attached Annexes;

?Content? means all of the texts, images, sounds and videos belonging to the User and placed online by the User on the Platform for the purpose of creating and publishing his/her Project(s) by means of the Services;

?Platform? means the internet site RACONTR.COM published by DJEHOUTI and accessible at the address http://app.racontr.com;

?Project? means any multi-media work (such as documentaries, photo albums, internet sites, etc.) created, published and distributed on the Platform by the Users by means of the Service. The User alone shall have the ability to make his/her Project(s) public, by publishing them on the public distribution space of the Platform. The User may also, at his/her choice, maintain the strictly private character of his/her Project(s) or make such Project(s) accessible on the Platform via the ?Publish? or ?Un-Publish? function;

?Service? means the service provided by DJEHOUTI on the Platform which allows the Users to create one or more Projects on the basis of his/her Content, and including the paid services addressed by the General Terms of Sale, provided that he/she has a User Account;

?User? or ?You? means any User of the Platform, whether an individual or a legal entity. All Users of the Platform must be at least 18 (eighteen) years or older or possess parental permission, particularly in order to subscribe to the paid services.






The Platform proposes an innovative online service allowing the creation, publication and distribution of interactive experiences without knowing a single line of code.

The User may thus store all of the Content belonging to him/her, place it on pages and, by using ergonomic menus and without computer code, configure it in the way he/she wishes to use it, particularly in order to create, publish and distribute Projects, provided that he/she has previously created a user account (hereafter, the ?User Account?).

The User alone shall have the ability to make his/her Project(s) public, by publishing them on the public distribution space of the Platform. The User may also, at his/her choice, maintain the strictly private character of his/her Project(s) or make such Project(s) accessible on the Platform via the ?Publish? or ?Un-Publish? function;


Each User shall have access to:

  • a distribution space for Projects rendered public via the ?Publish? function;

  • the ability to share and embed the Projects rendered public via the ?Embed? function;

  • a space for distribution of information, particularly with regard to the methods of using the Platform and the Service;

  • consultation of the purchasing area (hereafter, the ?Store?) where only a registered User shall have the ability to purchase additional publishing functions, methods of interactive navigation and to acquire an export allowing a Project to be distributed outside of the Platform without the ?RACONTR? mark;

  • consultation of tutorials and help forums containing comments from DJEHOUTI and other Users.

In order to access the additional functions, the Users must create a User Account.


Each User who has previously created a User Account shall have access to the following additional functions:

  • a page for managing his/her account (hereafter, the ?Personal Space?) which allows him/her to modify his/her personal data, to access and consult his/her detailed invoice, if any, the possibility to create connections with other Users, and the ability to create one or more Projects;

  • a publication tool for his/her Project(s) broken down into 4 (four) parts which allow the User to configure the constants for a Project, to upload his/her multi-media content to an area of the storage server, to publish and to distribute his/her Project(s) via the Platform;

  • a purchasing area (hereafter, the ?Store?) where the User may purchase additional publishing functions, interactive navigation models and acquire an export allowing him/her to distribute his/her Project outside of the Platform without the ?RACONTR? mark;

    • a space for distributing his/her published Project(s) where the other Users may see his/her Project free of charge, share it on social networks, embed it, comment on it and the ability to show his/her approval of the Project by a ?like? function;

    • tutorials and online help via forums containing comments from DJEHOUTI and other Users.

    Each registered User has the possibility to create an unlimited number of Projects, free of charge, with the following characteristics:

    • 500 Mb (five hundred megabytes) of storage for all of the Projects;

    • access to the publishing tool for the Project(s);

    • access to the models for navigation and publishing functions offered free of charge via the Store;

    • possibility to obtain additional storage space for the Project(s) thanks to the ?Sponsorship? function which allows the User to invite others to join the Platform.

    A registered User has the possibility to purchase various improvements and particularly larger storage space, additional publishing functions and interactive navigation models according to the conditions defined in the General Terms of Sale.





Registration with the Service is necessary in order to benefit from all of the functions offered by RACONTR.

This registration is made by creating a User Account and providing the personal data concerning You (minimum: an identifier, an e-mail address and a password). You will remain free at any time to modify the content of the personal data transmitted in this connection, according to the terms defined in Article 6 of these General Terms of Use.

Once the form is validated, You will receive an e-mail requesting that You click on a link in order to confirm the registration. You may access Your User Account by inputting your identifier and password and you alone are responsible for keeping this confidential. The creation of Your User Account will allow you to benefit from the Personal Space dedicated to the management of Your account and to which access is reserved exclusively to You.

Following Your registration, the use of the Platform is valid for an indefinite period.


2.2.1 Termination at your initiative

You have the possibility to terminate the use of the Platform at any time by deactivating your User Account by using the ?Deactivate Your Account? link which is accessible in your Personal Space.

The deactivation of Your account (hereafter, the ?Deactivation?) consists of blocking the publishing and distribution functions for your Project(s) and your access to your User Account, the removal of your Project(s) rendered public since the creation of your User Account on the distribution space of the Platform and blocking your access to the Store.

Your Project(s) will remain on the servers of DJEHOUTI for a maximum period of 6 (six) months following the deactivation of your User Account, during which time you will have the possibility to request an export of your Project(s) if you have subscribed to the corresponding option according to the conditions specified in the General Terms of Sale below.

After the expiration of this period of 6 (six) months, your Projects and Content, your Account and your Personal Data stored on the Platform will be definitively deleted from the servers of DJEHOUTI, without the possibility to recover them.

2.2.2 Termination at the initiative of DJEHOUTI

DJEHOUTI reserves the possibility to terminate your use of the Service at any time, notifying you by e-mail with reasonable notice, by deactivating your User Account, without any right of compensation in your favour.

Moreover, in the case of a failure to comply with these General Terms of Use, the General Terms of Sale and, as the case may be, the obligations referred to in ?Your Responsibilities? as set out in Article 7 of these General Terms of Use, access to your Personal Space may be immediately and without notice suspended temporarily or permanently by Deactivating your User Account, without prejudice to any other rights of DJEHOUTI.

The Project(s) associated with this User Account (including the Content) will be retained for a maximum duration of 6 (six) months following the Deactivation of your User Account on the servers of DJEHOUTI and will be accessible upon court request or upon your request, subject to applicable laws and regulations and the General Terms of Sale.

As from the Deactivation of your User Account and before the expiration of the period of 6 (six) months noted above, you have the possibility to request the reactivation of your User Account, provided that you fully comply with these General Terms of Use, applicable laws and regulations and, if necessary, the full payment of your subscription in accordance with the General Terms of Sale.

After the expiration of this period of 6 (six) months, your Projects and Content, your User Account and your Personal Data, as defined in Article 6 of these General Terms of Use, which are stored on the Platform will be definitively deleted from the servers of DJEHOUTI, without the possibility to recover them.





DJEHOUTI shall not acquire any right of ownership to your Content or your Projects.

However, you do grant to DJEHOUTI a transferable right in order to allow DJEHOUTI to store your Content and your Projects on its servers and to distribute them by means of the Service, for the entire world and for the duration of the Agreement. By virtue of this right, DJEHOUTI possesses the right to use, reproduce, represent and distribute your Content and your Projects free of charge in connection with the operation of the Service and the Platform.

You also agree to authorise DJEHOUTI to use, represent and distribute your Content and your Projects which are made public on the Platform, freely and without charge, in whole or in part, for the entire world and throughout the entire duration of the Agreement, in order to promote its activities and the Platform.

Moreover, once you have made your Projects public on the Platform, you are granting the other Users of the Service a non-exclusive right to access your Projects and your Content freely and without charge by means of the Platform, as well as the right to reproduce, represent and distribute these in accordance with the conditions set out in these General Terms of Use.

Thus, you acknowledge that you agree that the other Users shall have the ability, free of charge and for exclusively personal purposes, to view, share or embed your Projects made public on the Platform or from the Platform, and that this shall apply for any other means of communication (accessible from, in particular, portable telephones, tablets and connected TVs) and for the entire period during which your Projects remain published on the Platform.

You have the possibility at any time and at your initiative to cease the distribution of your Project(s) from the public distribution areas of the Platform via the ?Unpublish? function which is accessible in your Personal Space. Once this function is activated, your Projects may no longer be viewed, shared or embedded by the other Users of the Platform.

If you wish to use Projects made public on the Platform by another User for anything other than personal purposes, you will have to contact this User in advance in order to receive the other User?s necessary authorisations.

In addition, you are not authorised to modify, improve, edit, translate, decompile, disassemble or create one or more derivative works on the basis of the Projects and/or Content of other Users, in whole or in part, unless this possibility has been expressly granted to you in advance in the framework of a distinct agreement.

You acknowledge that you have been informed that, considering the intrinsic characteristics of the internet, data that is transmitted, and particularly your Content and your Projects, are not protected against risks of misappropriation and/or piracy and that DJEHOUTI may not be held responsible in this respect. Therefore, you shall be responsible for taking all appropriate measures in order to protect the data belonging to you.


Any User of the Platform may publish his/her Projects in accordance with the General Terms of Use. You expressly undertake not to access the Content and/or the Projects published by other Users on the Platform for any purposes that are not strictly personal and excluding any commercial use, as provided for by the normal functions for using the Platform.


The Platform is the exclusive property of DJEHOUTI. In general, DJEHOUTI grants you a free, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferrable right to access and use the Platform, provided that you accept and fully comply with the General Terms of Use.

The access to and/or the use of the Platform may not confer any right other than those expressly stated in these General Terms of Use, except in the case of prior express written consent by DJEHOUTI.

The content other than your Content and the Content of the other Users which is included or accessible on and/or via the Platform, and in particular any text, graphics, logos, names, brands, designations, thumbnails, functions, images, sounds, data, photographs, drawings or any other material or software (hereafter, the ?RACONTR Content?) is the exclusive property of DJEHOUTI or its licensors, is protected by intellectual property law and is subject to the laws and regulations applicable in this matter.

The RACONTR Content must not in any event be downloaded, copied, altered, modified, deleted, distributed, transmitted, disseminated, sold, leased, licensed or used, in whole or in part, or in any manner whatsoever, without the prior express written consent of DJEHOUTI or its licensors. Any use or application of the RACONTR Content for purposes or under conditions other than those set by these General Terms of Use is expressly prohibited.

In addition, you are not authorised to modify, improve, edit, translate, decompile, disassemble or create one or more derivative works on the basis of the RACONTR Content, in whole or in part, unless this possibility has been expressly granted to you in advance by DJEHOUTI in the framework of a distinct agreement.




DJEHOUTI protects the privacy of its Users by complying with applicable legislation. Therefore, DJEHOUTI has declared the collection and processing of your personal data (hereafter, the ?Personal Data?) with the National Commission on Computer Information and Liberties (the ?CNIL?) (receipt of declaration No. 1631994).

This article describes the protection of the Personal Data collected and processed in connection with your access to and/or use of the Platform under the conditions set out in the General Terms of Use. Moreover, DJEHOUTI may have cause to update the General Terms of Use in order to take into consideration the development of the Service and your rights.

Any updates will be indicated clearly on the Platform page dedicated to the General Terms of Use.


DJEHOUTI understands ?Personal Data? to be all the information concerning you which you provide voluntarily when opening a User Account on the Platform and/or the information that may be collected in connection with your access to and/or use of the Platform. These Personal Data thus include the registration data, your profile and the invoicing information as well as the use data defined below.

The registration data which you transmit to us at the time of your registration on our Platform via the registration form are your identifier and your e-mail address. It is your responsibility to ensure that the data allowing you to be identified are exact and complete.

These registration data are necessary in order to create and manage your User Account and to allow you to enjoy all of the functions of the Platform. DJEHOUTI will not use your registration data without your consent, except under the conditions provided for in Article L. 34-5 of the Postal and Electronic Communications Code. In this event, You will have the right to oppose the data being sent.

The profile contains of all of the personal information which you provide voluntarily and subsequently to the creation of your User Account, such as your full name, your company?s name, the avatar, the identifier and the description.

The invoicing data are necessary in order for you to be able to access the paid services of the Platform and consist of your full name or company name, address and VAT number, if applicable.

The use data are collected automatically at the time of your connections to the Platform. These are your IP address (the address of your computer), the pages visited, the type of browser used, the time and date of the visit, etc.

You are informed that whether or not you are registered on the Platform, an automatic tracking procedure (cookies or tags) has been implemented on the Platform. You may block this procedure by changing the configuration of your internet browser.

These use data that are collected by this automatic tracking procedure are anonymous and are only used in order to improve the quality of the Platform.


The Personal Data which allow you to be identified are not communicated to any third parties. However, you are informed that they may be disclosed in application of a law or regulation or on the basis of the decision by a competent regulatory or judiciary authority.


DJEHOUTI shall put in place all appropriate measures in order to reduce the risks of loss, damage or misuse of these data. DJEHOUTI will thus request a password from you at the time of opening a User Account. This will allow you to protect your User Account against any unauthorized access. You are responsible for preserving this password as well as for keeping it confidential and you shall be responsible when it is used.


The Personal Data are stored on the servers of DJEHOUTI and are retained for the period strictly necessary for the use of your User Account.

However, you are informed that as from the deactivation of your User Account for any reason whatsoever, the Personal Data and the Content related to it shall be retaining for a maximum duration of 6 (six) months following the Deactivation of your User Account. After that period, the Personal Data, as well as your Content and your Projects shall be deleted from the servers of DJEHOUTI and your identifier will once again be made available to internet users who wish to register on the Platform.


DJEHOUTI informs you that you have a right to access, correct and delete your Personal Data within the context of applicable legislation. You may at any time access and modify the information online associated with your Profile from your Personal Space.

You may also exercise your right to access, modify or delete your Personal Data, provided that you supply proof of your identity, if the Personal Data are inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, expired or if the collection, use, transmission or storage of these data is prohibited, by sending a request in this regard by post to the following address: DJEHOUTI SAS, 146 rue du Faubourg Poissonni?re, 75010 Paris, and attaching a copy of your identification document or your K-Bis extract and stating your identifier (pseudonym) on the Platform.





By placing your Content on the Platform, you are required to comply with applicable legal and regulatory provisions. Consequently, you are required to ensure that the storage and distribution of your Content on and via the Platform does not constitute (i) a violation of the intellectual property rights of third parties, (ii) harm to persons (particularly, defamation, insults, offenses, harm to the dignity of persons or damages to the assumption of innocence) and the respect of privacy, (iii) harm to public order and morality (particularly, justification of crimes against humanity, incitation to violence or racial hatred, pornography, child pornography, etc.).

By placing your Content and your Projects online and making them accessible to other Users on and/or via the Platform, you guarantee that you hold all of the rights and authorisations necessary from the rights holders in question and that you have paid all of the fees and payments to such rights holders and in particular the collective management companies in question.

Otherwise, your Content and your Projects shall be removed and/or your User Account shall be deactivated without preliminary formalities. Moreover, you shall personally incur the penal sanctions specific to the disputed content (penalties of imprisonment and fines), in addition to possible court ordered damages. Considering the community nature of the Platform and in order to respect the sensitivities of each person, each User shall be responsible for maintaining certain ethics with regard to the Content placed online and, in particular, shall refrain from distributing Content of a violent, pornographic, anti-Semitic or negationist character, as well as any Content which may be shocking in any manner whatsoever.

For all practical purposes, each Project is automatically associated with a ?Flag this project? link allowing the other Users to report any abuse.


DJEHOUTI offers you the possibility to express yourself via the discussion forums (hereafter, the ?Expression Areas?) accessible on the Platform and which rely on the principle of mutual respect for their operation.

It is necessary to create a User Account before participating in the Expression Areas.

You are solely responsible for the comments which you make in the Expression Areas and DJEHOUTI is neither the author nor the publisher of these comments, and it is not required to monitor or supervise these, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.I.2 of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy of 21 June 2004.

In this regard, you shall undertake to observe the rules of good conduct in force on the internet as well as to remove any comment which you disseminate and/or any comments made by a third party on your blog which may harm the rights of third parties. DJEHOUTI also reserves the right to delete, directly and without having informed you in advance, any editorial content and/or comments disseminated by you in the Expression Areas which may be, without limitation, of a racist, anti-Semitic, negationist, pornographic, violent, homophobic, xenophobic character or which are a violation of morality.

DJEHOUTI also reserves the right to suspend or delete your User Account, or even to definitively prohibit you to create a User Account, by any means whatsoever, if the comments which you make in the Expression Areas are contrary to applicable laws and regulations.




In accordance with applicable legislation, DJEHOUTI is not civilly or criminally liable for the Content placed online and/or distributed on or via the Platform unless it was actually made aware of the illicit or abusive character of the Content by a clear and precise notification and if it took no action to remove or make such Content inaccessible. Such notification must be made in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.I.5 of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy of 21 June 2004.

Consequently, DJEHUTI shall not bear any obligation to monitor or supervise the Projects. More generally, DJEHOUTI is not responsible for the Content of the Projects and cannot guarantee that the Projects comply with any requirements whatsoever.

Except in the exceptional case duly stated, DJEHOUTI shall not have reason to disseminate the Projects itself.

DJEHOUTI shall not in any event be required to repair possible indirect damages suffered in connection with the use of the Platform, the viewing or inability to view a Project, including loss of operations and commercial damages, and more generally, any damages which do not result exclusively and directly from a failure by DJEHOUTI.

DJEHOUTI may not moreover be required to remedy possible indirect damages suffered as a result of the use of the Platform for any purposes other than those stated in the context of these General Terms of Use. In particular, DJEHOUTI may not be held liable in the case of the use by a User and/or any third party of the Projects made public for purposes other than those stated in the contest of these General Terms of Use.

Subject to mandatory applicable legal provisions, you acknowledge and expressly agree that the Platform is proposed to you as is, without any express or implicit guarantee on the part of DJEHOUTI other than that provided by this Article.




The Platform is available 24 hours a day 7 days per week, except for programmed or un-programmed interruptions for maintenance purposes.

As it is subject to an obligation of means, DJEHOUTI shall not be held liable for any damages of any nature resulting from the unavailability of the Platform.

DJEHOUTI does not guarantee that the operation of the Platform will be continuous. DJEHOUTI shall not be required to allow access to the Platform in the case of a situation of force majeure, which is understood in the sense of French case law as any unforeseeable event that is overwhelming and external, such as strikes, storms, wars, embargoes, the failure of the electrical supply network or the internet network, satellite failures or breaches of their obligations by internet access providers.

DJEHUTI does not guarantee the accessibility and/or continuity of a service or functionality accessible from the Platform but offered by a third party such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.

The User acknowledges that data transmissions on electronic communications networks have only a relative technical reliability as they circulate on mixed networks with diverse technical characteristics and capacities, which are saturated at certain times of the day. Consequently, DJEHOUTI may not in any case be held liable for the access speeds or external decelerations and particularly considering the complexity of the worldwide networks, the inequality of the capacities of the various sub-networks, the increased frequentation by users during certain hours, etc.




If any of the provisions of these General Terms of Use is declared to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, the other provisions shall remain applicable without change.




Subject to mandatory legal provisions to the contrary, both the Platform and the terms and conditions for its use are governed by French law, regardless of the place of use. In the case of a possible dispute, and after a failure of any attempt to seek an amicable solution, French courts shall have sole jurisdiction to rule on the dispute.






The company DJEHOUTI, a Simplified Joint Stock Company with a share capital of ??2,454 and its head office located at 146 rue du Faubourg Poissonni?re, 75010 Paris, registered with the Registry of Trade and Companies of Paris under the number 788 743?458, represented by its President and its General Director domiciled in these capacities in such head office (hereafter, ?DJEHOUTI?) operates a platform from France for the publication, storage, distribution, sharing and commentary of interactive experiences available particularly at the address http://app.racontr.com and/or on all electronic communication media (hereafter, the ?Platform?).

DJEHOUTI has developed paid services for the Platform which allow its Users to acquire more publication functions, interactive navigation models or storage capacity for their interactive projects (hereafter collectively referred to as the ?Paid Service?).

These General Terms of Sale are intended, without prejudice to applicable legal provisions, to govern the use of the Paid Service by an individual or a legal entity (hereafter, the ?User?), in addition to the General Terms of Use of the Platform which shall in any event continue to apply.

You acknowledge that your have reviewed and agreed to these General Terms of Sale before placing your order. The validation of your order for the Paid Service shall therefore constitute your acceptance of the General Terms of Sale without reservation.

DJEHOUTI reserves the right to modify the General Terms of Sale at any time. These modifications shall be applicable as soon as they are placed online.

If a User does not comply with these General Terms of Sale, DJEHOUTI reserves the right to refuse him/her or to delete his/her access to the Paid Service.





Each User who is registered and who possesses a User Account as defined in the General Terms of Use has access to the possibility to purchase various formulas of options as described in Annex 1, among which are additional publication functions, interactive navigation models and the facility to export Projects (hereafter designated collectively as the ?Options?).


2.2.1 Presentation of the Subscriptions

Each User who is registered and who possesses a User Account has the possibility to purchase a subscription, as described in Annex 2, which will provide the User with increased storage capacity and additional Services (hereafter designated collectively as the ?Subscription?).

2.2.2 Duration of the Subscriptions

No paid or renewed Subscriptions will be refunded for any reason whatsoever.

Each User, as defined above, may at any time terminate his/her Subscription, either in order to purchase another Subscription or to benefit from the functions of the Platform free of charge in accordance with Article 1.2 of the General Terms of Use.

In the case of a change in the category of the Subscription purchased, the previously purchased Subscription will be automatically terminated and the newly purchased Subscription will be available as of the date of changing the Subscription.

As from the date of changing the Subscription or as from the purchase of a new Subscription, each User must comply with the terms of use of the newly purchased Subscription.

When the newly purchased Subscription belongs to a lower category than the previously purchased Subscription, your storage capacity will be immediately reduced accordingly.

If your Content and/or your Projects exceed the storage capacity of the newly purchased Subscription, a warning will be immediately sent to the e-mail address you provided at the time of your order. You will have the ability either to purchase a Subscription that meets your new storage requirements or to delete your Content and/or your Projects which exceed the storage capacity provided by the newly purchased Subscription.

If you do not comply with the terms of the newly purchased Subscription within 30 (thirty) calendar days following the alert that is sent to you, your Content and/or your Projects which exceed the storage capacity provided by the newly purchased Subscription will be blocked by DJEHOUTI and made inaccessible. You will have the possibility to request that your Projects associated with the Content rendered inaccessible be exported within a period of 6 (six) months after your Content and/or Projects has been blocked. After this period of 6 (six) months, the Content and/or the Projects rendered inaccessible will be definitively deleted from the servers of DJEHOUTI.





The prices of the Options are indicated permanently in the Store (link to the Store) and are subject to the VAT rate in force at the time of purchase.

The prices of the Subscriptions are indicated permanently on the Prices tab available on the Platform. The prices in force are available here: (link to pricing) and are subject to the VAT rate in force as the time of purchase.

DJEHOUTI reserves the right to change the prices of the Paid Services for any new contractual period. DJEHOUTI shall then inform the User of the increase in prices at least 1 (one) month before the end of the contractual period in progress. The User shall have the ability to accept or refuse the new prices. If the User accepts, the new prices shall be applicable for the new contractual period. If the User refuses, the Agreement shall be terminated as of the end of the contractual period in progress.

It is noted that the connection fees related to the use of the Service shall not be borne by DJEHOUTI and shall remain the responsibility of the User.


The Options purchased are definitively acquired by the User according to the terms of use of the Service as set out in Annex 1 of these General Terms of Sale.

The Subscriptions are purchased for the durations defined in Annex 2 of these General Terms of Use. ?All Subscriptions are renewable indefinitely and automatically following the expiration of the contractual period in progress.

The User may terminate his/her Subscription at any time by using the ?Unsubscribe? function which is accessible from his/her Personal Space. Any termination of a Subscription in progress will only take effect as from the expiration of the contractual period in progress.


The User?s payment of the price is made online and only by using the payment methods proposed by PAYPAL via the Platform.

3.3.1 Payment of the price of the subscribed Options

The User is required to pay the price of the subscribed Options.

The subscribed Options will be available as soon as the payment is validated.

An invoice will be immediately issued by DJEHOUTI and sent to the electronic address provided by the User at the time of his/her order on the Platform.

3.2.2 Payment of the price for the Subscriptions

A User who has purchased a Subscription is required to pay the price for the Subscription as from the date of the Subscription and throughout the entire duration of this Subscription.

The Subscription is considered to be purchased and thus available as soon as DJEHOUTI has validated the payment for the first contractual period.

In the case of a change of the Subscription category during a Subscription in progress, the price of the newly purchased Subscription shall be immediately due as from the date of the new Subscription.

When you choose a Subscription of a higher category compared to the previously purchased Subscription, the newly purchased Subscription will be valid as from the purchase and the previously purchased Subscription will be automatically terminated. In this case, the price for the last contractual period of the previously purchased Subscription will be deducted from the price for the first contractual period of the newly purchased Subscription.

When you choose a Subscription of a lower category compared to the previously purchased Subscription, the newly purchased Subscription will be valid as from the purchase and the previously purchased Subscription will be automatically terminated. In this case, no reimbursement of the price for the previously purchased Subscription may take place.

DJEHOUTI?s invoices for the Subscription will be issued monthly on the anniversary date of the purchase and sent to the e-mail address that the User provided at the time of placing the order on the Platform.


3.3.1 Failure to pay price of the Options

In the case of a failure to pay the price for the Options purchased, the Options will be considered not to have been purchased and consequently will automatically be unavailable.

3.3.2 Failure to pay the price for the Subscriptions

In the case of a failure to pay for the first contractual period of the price for a Subscription, the Subscription will be considered not to have been purchased and consequently will automatically be unavailable.

In the case of a failure to pay for a contractual period on the anniversary date of the contractual period of the initial purchase of the Subscription, your Subscription will be automatically terminated after 2 (two) payment requests remain without result.

The payment requests (hereafter, the ?Payment Reminders?) will be sent by e-mail to the address provided at the time of placing your order on the Platform. The first Payment Reminder will be generated on the date of the corresponding failure to pay the Subscription. The second Payment Reminder will be generated 15 (fifteen) days after sending the first Payment Reminder.

Upon the expiration of a period 10 (ten) days following the second Payment Reminder, your Subscription will be automatically terminated and the storage capacity of your User Account will be reduced to the capacity of the free Service available in accordance with the General Terms of Use.

As from the termination of your Subscription and if your Content and/or your Projects exceed the storage capacity of the free Service, you will have the ability either to purchase a Subscription that meets your new storage requirements or to delete your Content and/or your Projects that exceed the storage capacity offered by the free Service.

If you do not comply with the terms of the Service, your Content and/or your Projects which exceed the storage capacity provided by the free Service will be blocked by DJEHOUTI and made inaccessible. You will have the possibility to request that your Projects associated with the Content rendered inaccessible be exported within a period of 6 (six) months after your Content and/or Projects has been blocked. After this period of 6 (six) months, the Content and the Projects rendered inaccessible will be definitively deleted from the servers of DJEHOUTI.


In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 121-21-8, paragraphs 1 and 13, of the Consumer Code, the User acknowledges and expressly agrees (i) that the Paid Service is provided by DJEHOUTI after validation of payment, which is before the end of the retraction period provided for by Article L. 121-21 of the Consumer Code and thus (ii) the User expressly agrees to waive his/her right of retraction connected with online or remote sales, as provided for in Article L. 121-21 cited above. Consequently, as a result of the foregoing, no request for retraction, cancellation or reimbursement made to DJEHOUTI will be accepted.




The use of the Paid Service and the payment of its price authorise you to benefit from the functions, according to their terms, for which you have paid, until the closure of your User Account for any reason whatsoever, in accordance with the General Terms of Use and these General Terms of Sale.

You are also authorised to use the Service to provide your own services to a third party without having to request the prior authorisation of DJEHOUTI, unless these services infringe on the intellectual property rights of DJEHOUTI or constitute an infringement of the Service and/or the Platform.




L?Utilisation du SERVICE PAYANT et le paiement de son prix vous autorisent ? b?n?ficier, selon leurs modalit?s, des fonctionnalit?s dont Vous aurez acquitt? le prix et ce jusqu?? la cl?ture de votre COMPTE UTILISATEUR, pour quelque raison que ce soit, en conformit? avec les CGU et les pr?sentes CGV.

Vous ?tes ?galement autoris? ? utiliser le SERVICE pour fournir vos propres prestations ? un tiers sans avoir ? demander d?autorisation pr?alable ? DJEHOUTI, sauf si ces prestataires contreviennent aux droits de propri?t? intellectuelle de DJEHOUTI ou constitue une contrefa?on du SERVICE et/ou du PLATEFORME.




If any of the provisions of these General Terms of Sale is declared to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, the other provisions shall remain applicable without change.




This Agreement is governed by French law.

Any dispute concerning the Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court of Paris, with the exception of disputes concerning non-merchants and for whom the legal rules for attribution of jurisdiction apply.




In order to create Projects, a User who is registered and who possesses an Account has the ability to acquire Options in order to enjoy additional Services.

The acquisition of the Option is governed by the General Terms of Use and the General Terms of Sale, as defined in this Annex 1 and the product sheet for each Option.

The Options consist of Plugin and Templates, as defined in the product sheet available on the Platform via the Store.

The purchased Options may be used for a Project or for all Projects, according to the terms defined in the product sheet for each Option.

DJEHOUTI does not guarantee one hundred percent (100%) compatibility of the Options with all browsers, servers and/or all media. Certain factors such as the number of elements on the scene or the size of the resources may be the cause of incompatibility.

DJEHUTI does not guarantee the quality of viewing when it is affected by factors outside of DJEHOUTI?s control, such as the quality of the connection, the power of the computer, the volume of the content downloaded, the age of the operating system or the browser of the User.

When the Option requires use of a third party service, DJEHOUTI does not guarantee the accessibility, continuity or the quality of the third party service.


In order to use the Templates, the necessary plugins are included in the cost of the Formula.

Depending on the complexity their use, the Templates will or will not have documentation to assist in their use. This documentation is available in the product sheet available from the Platform via the Store.

When the Template, for example, contains content or functions that are the property of DJEHOUTI or a third party, and for which the intellectual property rights are stated clearly, the User is strictly prohibited to delete this statement.




In order to create Projects, a User who is registered and who possesses an Account has the ability to purchase a paid Subscription in order to increase his/her storage capacity under the conditions defined in the General Terms of Use and/or to benefit from additional Services.

The purchase of a Subscription is governed by the General Terms of Use, the General Terms of Sale and this Annex 2, depending on the terms defined in the Subscription formulas (hereafter, the ?Formulas?) set out below and the product sheet for each Formula.

The purchase of a Subscription allows you to add to the 500 megabytes of storage provided free of charge by the Service in order to store your larger Content and Projects and to benefit from additional Services, if applicable.

Only the size of the Content uploaded by the User to the Platform is used to measure the storage capacity. In order to maximize the storage capacity of the User, the Content consisting of sounds or images is compressed before calculating the size of this Content for the storage capacity.

DJEHOUTI does not guarantee one hundred percent (100%) compatibility of the Service with all browsers, servers and/or all media. Certain factors such as the number of elements on the scene or the size of the resources may be the cause of incompatibility.

DJEHUTI does not guarantee the quality of viewing when it is affected by factors outside of DJEHOUTI?s control, such as the quality of the connection, the power of the computer, the volume of the content downloaded, the age of the operating system or the browser of the User.

The use of the Service by Subscription is exclusively reserved to Users who have purchased a Subscription. All multiple-user use of a Subscription if strictly prohibited.


The Subscription is for a period of one month, automatically and indefinitely renewable under the conditions defined in the General Terms of Sale.

The user support for the Service is available in French and English and is accessible from the tutorials and via the online help forums.

These forums are provided by the Users and DJEHOUTI. DJEHOUTI has no obligation to reply nor any reply deadline for questions posted by the Users on the online help forums.

The tutorials are accessible online from the dedicated areas on the Platform.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 1 (one) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Support for the use of the Service: access to the online help forums and the tutorials.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 5 (five) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Support for the use of the Service: access to the online help forums and the tutorials.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 10 (ten) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Support for the use of the Service: access to the online help forums and the tutorials.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 20 (twenty) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Support for the use of the Service: access to the online help forums and the tutorials.


The Subscription is for a period of one 12 months, automatically and indefinitely renewable under the conditions defined in the General Terms of Sale.

The user support for the Service is prepared according to the terms defined in the Formulas as described below. It is provided in French and English and the working days are determined according to the working days in France exclusively, between 10 (ten) a.m. and 7 (seven) p.m., French time.

This user support includes access to the tutorials and to the dedicated tutorials for the Professional Formulas, as well as personalized assistance with the use of the Service, to the exclusion of the Project pages imported via the ?embed? function and specific developments created by the User and for which DJEHOUTI cannot guarantee proper operation or assistance with use.

When personalized user support is provided by training at the User?s premises, the costs of travel and lodging of DJEHOUTI?s trainers, if necessary, are not included in the cost of the Formula. These costs shall be borne by the User in addition to the cost of the Formula.

When the user support is provided by training, DJEHUTI reserves the right to cancel the in-person or remote training, subject to notification to the User by e-mail at the e-mail address provided on the Users Account, 8 (eight) days before the date for the training when the total number of participants is less than 4 (four) persons.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 50 (fifty) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Personalized assistance in using the Service: by e-mail within a maximum of 24 (twenty-four) hours up to a limit of 8 (eight) exchanges of e-mail each month. This support is exclusively dedicated to resolving difficulties of a technical nature in using the Service.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 100 (one hundred) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Plugins: Premium Plugins.

The User shall benefit from the Plugins included in the Formula as described in the product sheet for the Premium Formula accessible via the Store.

Templates: Premium Templates.

The User shall benefit from the Templates included in the Formula as described in the product sheet for the Premium Formula accessible via the Store.

When the Template, for example, contains content or functions that are the property of DJEHOUTI or a third party, and for which the intellectual property rights are stated clearly, the User is strictly prohibited to delete this statement.

Personalized assistance in using the Service: by e-mail, by Skype and via training.

Personalized assistance by e-mail is provided within a maximum of 24 (twenty-four) hours up to a limit of 8 (eight) exchanges of e-mail each month. This support is exclusively dedicated to resolving difficulties of a technical nature in using the Service.

The personalized assistance by Skype is made at the request of the User at the time and date determined in cooperation with DJEHOUTI and for a duration that may not exceed 2 (two) hours each month, for a maximum duration of 24 (twenty-four) hours included in the Premium Formula. Any credit for monthly support that is not used will be considered to have been definitively waived. Thus, the credits for monthly support may not be carried forward. This support is exclusively dedicated to resolving difficulties of a technical nature in using the Service.

The personalized support by training is carried out 1 (one) time each year on one of the four dates set by DJEHOUTI and which shall be announced to the User by e-mail to the address defined in the User?s Personal Space. This covers a maximum of 8 (eight) hours of advanced training in the Service under the following conditions:

  • a maximum of 6 (six) participants,

  • possibility of remote training via Skype or Google Hangout,

  • the travel and lodging costs of the User are not included.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 200 (two hundred) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Plugins: Unlimited Plugins.

The User shall benefit from the Plugins included in the Formula as described in the product sheet for the Unlimited Formula accessible from the Platform via the Store.

Templates: Unlimited Templates.

The User shall benefit from the Templates included in the Formula as described in the product sheet for the Unlimited Formula accessible via the Store.

When the Template, for example, contains content or functions that are the property of DJEHOUTI or a third party, and for which the intellectual property rights are stated clearly, the User is strictly prohibited to delete this statement.

Personalized assistance in using the Service: by e-mail, by Skype and via training.

Personalized assistance by e-mail is provided within a maximum of 24 (twenty-four) hours up to a limit of 8 (eight) exchanges of e-mail each month. This support is exclusively dedicated to resolving difficulties of a technical nature in using the Service.

The personalized assistance by Skype is made at the request of the User at the time and date determined in cooperation with DJEHOUTI and for a duration that may not exceed 4 (four) hours each month, for a maximum duration of 48 (forty-eight) hours included in the Premium Formula. Any credit for monthly support that is not used will be considered to have been definitively waived. Thus, the credits for monthly support may not be carried forward. This support is dedicated to resolving difficulties of a technical nature in using the Service and advice in terms of design and assistance in preparing the narrative for the Project(s) of the User.

The personalized support by training is provided a maximum of 3 (three) times each year on the dates and times set by DJEHOUTI in cooperation with the User and which shall be announced to the User by e-mail to the address defined in the User?s Personal Space. This covers a maximum of 24 (twenty-four) hours of advanced training in the Service under the following conditions:

  • a maximum of 6 (six) participants,

  • possibility of remote training via Skype or Google Hangout,

  • the travel and lodging costs of the User are not included.

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The company DJEHOUTI (hereafter, ?DJEHOUTI?) is a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of ??2,454. Its head office is located at 146 rue du Faubourg Poissonni?re, 75010 Paris, France. It is registered with the registry of trade and companies of Paris under the number 788 743?458 and is represented by its president and its general director domiciled in these capacities in such head office.

DJEHOUTI operates a platform from France for the publication, storage, distribution, sharing and commentary of interactive experiences available particularly at the address http://www.localhost:10003

The General Terms of Use are intended to govern the use of this platform with regard to all the content and functions accessible on the platform. The General Terms of Use are combined, if necessary, with the General Terms of Sale if the user decides to subscribe to the additional Paid Service as defined below.


The terms and expressions set out below shall have the following meanings in the General Terms of Use and General Terms of Sale:

?Agreement? means the contractual obligations comprised of the General Terms of Use and the General Terms of Sale and the attached Annexes;

?Content? means all of the texts, images, sounds and videos belonging to the User and placed online by the User on the Platform for the purpose of creating and publishing his/her Project(s) by means of the Service;

?Deactivation? means blocking the publishing and distribution functions for Your Project(s) and Your access to Your User Account, the removal of Your Project(s) rendered public since the creation of Your User Account on the distribution space of the Platform and blocking Your access to the Store;

?Expression Areas? means the discussions forums available on the Platform where Users are offered the possibility to express themselves and which rely on the principle of mutual respect for their operation;

?General Terms of Use? means the legal terms that shall apply to any use of the Platform by the Users, whether free of charge or for payment;

?General Terms of Sale? means the legal terms governing the subscription and use of the Paid Service by the User on the Platform;

?Option? means additional functions and material that the Registered User may purchase in the Store including but not limited to additional publication functions, interactive navigation models and the facility to export Projects;

?Paid Service? means Options and Subscriptions that the Registered Users may purchase in the Store to acquire more publication functions, interactive navigation models or storage capacity for their Projects;

?Payment Reminder? means payment request sent by DJEHOUTI in case of a failure to the Registered User to pay for a contractual period on the anniversary date of the initial purchase of the Subscription;

?Personal Data? means all the information concerning the User that he/she provides voluntarily when opening a User Account on the Platform and/or the information that may be collected in connection with the User?s access to and/or use of the Platform;

?Personal Space? means the page where the Registered User can manage his/her User Account;

?Platform? means the internet website operated by DJEHOUTI from France for the publication, storage, distribution, sharing and commentary of interactive experiences available at the address http://www.localhost:10003 and/or on all electronic communication media;

?Project? means any multi-media work (including, but not limited to, documentaries, photo albums, internet sites) created, published and distributed on the Platform by the Users by means of the Service. The User alone shall have the ability to make his/her Project(s) public, by publishing them on the public distribution space of the Platform;

?Publish/Un-Publish function? means the function allowing any User, at his/her choice, to either maintain the strictly private character of his/her Project(s) or make such Project(s) accessible on the Platform;

?RACONTR Content? means any text, graphics, logos, names, brands, designations, thumbnails, functions, images, sounds, data, photographs, drawings or any other material or software which is the exclusive property of DJEHOUTI or its licensors, protected by intellectual property law and subject to the laws and regulations applicable in this matter;

?Registered User? means User who possesses a User Account. Any access and/or use of the Platform as a Registered User, in capacity as an individual or a professional, for personal use or on behalf of a third party, constitutes the express acceptance without reservation of the General Terms of Use and General Terms of Sale;

?Service? means the service provided by DJEHOUTI on the Platform which allows the Users to create one or more Projects on the basis of his/her Content, including the Paid Service addressed by the General Terms of Sale, provided that he/she has a User Account;

?Subscription? means additional functions and material that the Registered User may purchase in the Store including but not limited to increased storage capacity and additional services;

?Store? means the purchasing area only accessible to Registered User where they may purchase Paid Service as governed by the General Terms of Sale;

?User?, ?You? or ?Your? means or refers to any User of the Platform, whether an individual or a legal entity. All Users of the Platform must be capable to enter into the Agreement to the extent provided by the applicable law. Any access and/or use of the Platform as a User, in capacity as an individual or a professional, for personal use or on behalf of a third party, constitutes the express acceptance without reservation of the General Terms of Use;

?User Account? means the personal account created by the User on the Platform after registration.



The Platform proposes an innovative online service allowing the creation, publication and distribution of interactive experiences without knowing a single line of code.

The User may thus store all of the Content belonging to him/her, place it on pages and, by using ergonomic menus and without computer code, configure it in the way he/she wishes to use it, particularly in order to create, publish and distribute Projects, provided that he/she has previously created a User Account.

The User alone shall have the ability to make his/her Project(s) public, by publishing them on the public distribution space of the Platform. The User may also, at his/her choice, maintain the strictly private character of his/her Project(s) or make such Project(s) accessible on the Platform via the ?Publish? or ?Un-Publish? function.


Each User shall have access to:

  • a distribution space for Projects rendered public via the ?Publish? function;

  • the ability to share and embed the Projects rendered public via the ?Embed? function;

  • a space for distribution of information, particularly with regard to the methods of using the Platform and the Service;

  • consultation of the Store where only a Registered User shall have the ability to purchase Paid Service such as additional publishing functions, methods of interactive navigation and to acquire an export allowing a Project to be distributed outside of the Platform without the ?RACONTR? mark;

  • consultation of tutorials and help forums containing comments from DJEHOUTI and other Users.

  • In order to access the additional functions, the Users must create a User Account.


Each Registered User shall have access to the following additional functions:

  • a Personal Space which allows him/her to modify his/her personal data, to access and consult his/her detailed invoice, if any, the possibility to create connections with other Users, and the ability to create one or more Projects;

  • a publication tool for his/her Project(s) broken down into 4 (four) parts which allow the User to configure the constants for a Project, to upload his/her multi-media content to an area of the storage server, to publish and to distribute his/her Project(s) via the Platform;

  • a Store where the User may purchase additional publishing functions, interactive navigation models and acquire an export allowing him/her to distribute his/her Project outside of the Platform without the ?RACONTR? mark;

  • a space for distributing his/her published Project(s) where the other Users may see his/her Project free of charge, share it on social networks, embed it, comment on it and the ability to show his/her approval of the Project by a ?like? function;

  • tutorials and online help via forums containing comments from DJEHOUTI and other Users.

Each Registered User has the possibility to create an unlimited number of Projects, free of charge, with the following characteristics:

  • 500 Mb (five hundred megabytes) of storage for all of the Projects;

  • access to the publishing tool for the Project(s);

  • access to the models for navigation and publishing functions offered free of charge via the Store;

  • possibility to obtain additional storage space for the Project(s) thanks to the ?Sponsorship? function which allows the User to invite others to join the Platform.

A Registered User has the possibility to purchase Options and Subscriptions (including, but not limited to, larger storage space, additional publishing functions and interactive navigation models) according to the conditions defined in the General Terms of Sale.



Registration with the Service is necessary in order to benefit from all of the functions offered by the Platform.

This registration is made by creating a User Account and by providing the Personal Data concerning You (minimum: an identifier, an e-mail address and a password). You will remain free at any time to modify the content of the Personal Data transmitted in this connection, according to the terms defined in Article 4.5 of these General Terms of Use.

Once the form is validated, You will receive an e-mail requesting that You click on a link in order to confirm the registration. You may access Your User Account by inputting Your identifier and password and You alone are responsible for keeping this confidential. The creation of Your User Account will allow You to benefit from the Personal Space dedicated to the management of Your User Account and to which access is reserved exclusively to You.

Following Your registration, the use of the Platform is valid for an indefinite period.


2.2.1. Termination at Your initiative

You have the possibility to terminate the use of the Platform at any time by proceeding to the Deactivation Your User Account by using the ?Deactivate Your Account? link which is accessible in Your Personal Space.

In the event of a Deactivation, Your Project(s) will remain on the servers of DJEHOUTI for a maximum period of 6 (six) months following the Deactivation of Your User Account, during which time You will have the possibility to request an export of Your Project(s) if You have subscribed to the corresponding Option according to the conditions specified in the General Terms of Sale.

After the expiration of this period of 6 (six) months, Your Projects and Content, Your Account and Your Personal Data stored on the Platform will be definitively deleted from the servers of DJEHOUTI, without the possibility to recover them.

2.2.2.?Termination at the initiative of DJEHOUTI

DJEHOUTI reserves the possibility to terminate Your use of the Service at any time, notifying You by e-mail with reasonable notice, by proceeding to the Deactivation of Your User Account, without any right of compensation in Your favour.

Moreover, in the case of a failure to comply with these General Terms of Use, the General Terms of Sale and, as the case may be, the obligations referred to in ?Your Responsibilities? as set out in Article 5 of these General Terms of Use, access to Your Personal Space may be immediately and without notice suspended temporarily or permanently by proceeding to the Deactivation of Your User Account, without prejudice to any other rights of DJEHOUTI.

The Project(s) associated with this User Account, including but not limited to the Content, will be retained for a maximum duration of 6 (six) months following the Deactivation of Your User Account on the servers of DJEHOUTI and will be accessible upon court request or upon Your request, subject to applicable laws and regulations and the General Terms of Sale.

As from the Deactivation of Your User Account and before the expiration of the period of 6 (six) months noted above, You have the possibility to request the reactivation of Your User Account, provided that You fully comply with these General Terms of Use, applicable laws and regulations and, if necessary, the full payment of Your Subscription in accordance with the General Terms of Sale. DJEHOUTI may however decide to refuse to reactivate Your User Account if DJEHOUTI (i) considers that You do not fully comply with the General Terms of Use, applicable laws and regulations or (ii) proceeds to the Deactivation of Your User Account further to the reception a notification for illicit Content or of abusive character as set out in Article 6 below.

After the expiration of this period of 6 (six) months, Your Projects and Content, Your User Account and Your Personal Data, as defined in Article 4 of these General Terms of Use, which are stored on the Platform will be definitively deleted from the servers of DJEHOUTI, without the possibility to recover them.



DJEHOUTI shall not acquire any right of ownership to Your Content or Your Projects.

However, You do grant to DJEHOUTI a transferable right in order to allow DJEHOUTI to store Your Content and Your Projects on its servers and to distribute them by means of the Service, for the entire world and for the duration of the Agreement. By virtue of this right, DJEHOUTI possesses the right to use, reproduce, represent and distribute Your Content and Your Projects free of charge in connection with the operation of the Service and the Platform.

You also agree to authorise DJEHOUTI to use, represent and distribute Your Content and Your Projects which are made public on the Platform, freely and without charge, in whole or in part, for the entire world and throughout the entire duration of the Agreement, in order to promote its activities and the Platform.

Moreover, once You have made Your Projects public on the Platform, You are granting the other Users of the Service a non-exclusive right to access Your Projects and Your Content freely and without charge by means of the Platform, as well as the right to reproduce, represent and distribute these in accordance with the conditions set out in these General Terms of Use.

Thus, You acknowledge that You agree that the other Users shall have the ability, free of charge and for exclusively personal purposes, to view, share or embed Your Projects made public on the Platform or from the Platform, and that this shall apply for any other means of communication (accessible from, but not limited to, portable telephones, tablets and connected TVs) and for the entire period during which Your Projects remain published on the Platform.

You have the possibility at any time and at Your initiative to cease the distribution of Your Project(s) from the public distribution areas of the Platform via the ?Unpublish? function which is accessible in Your Personal Space. Once this function is activated, Your Projects may no longer be viewed, shared or embedded by the other Users of the Platform.

If You wish to use Projects made public on the Platform by another User for anything other than personal purposes, You will have to contact this User in advance in order to receive the other User?s necessary authorisations.

In addition, You are not authorised to modify, improve, edit, translate, decompile, disassemble or create one or more derivative works on the basis of the Projects and/or Content of other Users, in whole or in part, unless this possibility has been expressly granted to You in advance in the framework of a distinct agreement.

You acknowledge that You have been informed that, considering the intrinsic characteristics of the internet, data that is transmitted, and particularly Your Content and Your Projects, are not protected against risks of misappropriation and/or piracy and that DJEHOUTI may not be held responsible in this respect. Therefore, You shall be responsible for taking all appropriate measures in order to protect the data belonging to You.


Any User of the Platform may publish his/her Projects in accordance with the General Terms of Use. You expressly undertake not to access the Content and/or the Projects published by other Users on the Platform for any purposes that are not strictly personal and excluding any commercial use, as provided for by the normal functions for using the Platform.


The Platform is the exclusive property of DJEHOUTI. In general, DJEHOUTI grants You a free, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferrable right to access and use the Platform, provided that You accept and fully comply with the General Terms of Use.

The access to and/or the use of the Platform may not confer any right other than those expressly stated in these General Terms of Use, except in the case of prior express written consent by DJEHOUTI.

The content other than Your Content and the Content of the other Users which is included or accessible on and/or via the Platform, including, but not limited to, any text, graphics, logos, names, brands, designations, thumbnails, functions, images, sounds, data, photographs, drawings or any other material or software is the exclusive property of DJEHOUTI or its licensors, is protected by intellectual property law and is subject to the laws and regulations applicable in this matter.

The RACONTR Content must not in any event be downloaded, copied, altered, modified, deleted, distributed, transmitted, disseminated, sold, leased, licensed or used, in whole or in part, or in any manner whatsoever, without the prior express written consent of DJEHOUTI or its licensors. Any use or application of the RACONTR Content for purposes or under conditions other than those set by these General Terms of Use is expressly prohibited.

In addition, You are not authorised to modify, improve, edit, translate, decompile, disassemble or create one or more derivative works on the basis of the RACONTR Content, in whole or in part, unless this possibility has been expressly granted to You in advance by DJEHOUTI in the framework of a distinct agreement.


DJEHOUTI protects the privacy of its Users by complying with applicable legislation. Therefore, DJEHOUTI has declared the collection and processing of Your personal data with the French National Commission on Computer Information and Liberties (the ?CNIL?) (receipt of declaration No. 1631994).

This article describes the protection of the Personal Data collected and processed in connection with Your access to and use of the Platform under the conditions set out in the General Terms of Use.


These Personal Data include Your registration data, Your profile, Your invoicing information and the use data defined below.

The registration data which You transmit to us at the time of Your registration on our Platform via the registration form are Your identifier and Your e-mail address. It is Your responsibility to ensure that the data allowing You to be identified are exact and complete.

Your registration data are necessary in order to create and manage Your User Account and to allow You to enjoy all of the functions of the Platform. DJEHOUTI will not use Your registration data without Your consent, except to the extent permitted by applicable law.

Your profile contains all of the personal information which You provide voluntarily and subsequently to the creation of Your User Account, such as Your full name, Your company?s name, the avatar, the identifier and the description.

Your invoicing data are necessary in order for You to be able to access the Paid Service of the Platform and consist of Your full name or company name, address and VAT number, if applicable.

The use data are collected automatically at the time of Your connections to the Platform including, but not limited to, Your IP address (the address of Your computer), the pages visited, the type of browser used, the time and date of the visit.

You are informed that whether or not You are a Registered User, an automatic tracking procedure (cookies or tags) has been implemented on the Platform. You may block this procedure by changing the configuration of Your internet browser.

These use data that are collected by this automatic tracking procedure, are anonymous and are only used in order to improve the quality of the Platform.


The Personal Data which allow You to be identified are not communicated to any third parties. However, You are informed that they may be disclosed in application of a law or regulation or on the basis of the decision by a competent regulatory or judiciary authority.


DJEHOUTI shall put in place all appropriate measures in order to reduce the risks of loss, damage or misuse of these data. DJEHOUTI will thus request a password from You at the time of opening a User Account. This will allow You to protect Your User Account against any unauthorized access. You are responsible for preserving this password as well as for keeping it confidential and You shall be responsible when it is used.


The Personal Data are stored on the servers of DJEHOUTI and are retained for the period strictly necessary for the use of Your User Account.

However, You are informed that as from the deactivation of Your User Account for any reason whatsoever, the Personal Data and the Content related to it shall be retaining for a maximum duration of 6 (six) months following the Deactivation of Your User Account. After that period, the Personal Data, as well as Your Content and Your Projects shall be deleted from the servers of DJEHOUTI and Your identifier will once again be made available to internet users who wish to register on the Platform.


DJEHOUTI informs You that You have a right to access, correct and delete Your Personal Data within the context of applicable legislation. You may at any time access and modify the information online associated with Your Profile from Your Personal Space.

You may also exercise Your right to access, modify or delete Your Personal Data, provided that You supply proof of Your identity, if the Personal Data are inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, expired or if the collection, use, transmission or storage of these data is prohibited, by sending a request in this regard by post to the following address: DJEHOUTI SAS, 146 rue du Faubourg Poissonni?re, 75010 Paris, France, and attaching a copy of Your identification document or Your extract from registry of trade and companies and stating Your identifier (pseudonym) on the Platform.



By placing Your Content on the Platform, You are required to comply with applicable legal and regulatory provisions. Consequently, You are required to ensure that the storage and distribution of Your Content on and via the Platform does not constitute (i) a violation of the intellectual property rights of third parties, (ii) harm to persons (including, but not limited to, defamation, insults, offenses, harm to the dignity of persons or damages to the assumption of innocence) and the respect of privacy, (iii) harm to public order and morality (including, but not limited to, justification of crimes against humanity, incitation to violence or racial hatred, pornography, child pornography, etc.).

By placing Your Content and Your Projects online and making them accessible to other Users on and/or via the Platform, You guarantee that You hold all of the rights and authorisations necessary from the rights holders in question and that You have paid all of the fees and payments to such rights holders and in particular the collective management companies in question.

Otherwise, Your Content and Your Projects shall be removed and/or Your User Account shall be subject to Deactivation without preliminary formalities. Moreover, You shall personally incur the penal sanctions specific to the disputed content (penalties of imprisonment and fines), in addition to possible court ordered damages. Considering the community nature of the Platform and in order to respect the sensitivities of each person, each User shall be responsible for maintaining certain ethics with regard to the Content placed online and, in particular, shall refrain from distributing Content of a violent, pornographic, anti-Semitic or negationist character, as well as any Content which may be shocking in any manner whatsoever.

For all practical purposes, each Project is automatically associated with a ?Flag this project? link allowing the other Users to report any abuse.


It is necessary to create a User Account before participating in the Expression Areas.

You are solely responsible for the comments which You make in the Expression Areas and DJEHOUTI is neither the author nor the publisher of these comments, and it is not required to monitor or supervise these, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, in particular provisions of Article 6.I.2 of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy of 21 June 2004.

In this regard, You shall undertake to observe the rules of good conduct in force on the internet as well as to remove any comment which You disseminate and/or any comments made by a third party on Your blog which may harm the rights of third parties. DJEHOUTI also reserves the right to delete, directly and without having informed You in advance, any editorial content and/or comments disseminated by You in the Expression Areas which may be, without limitation, of a racist, anti-Semitic, negationist, pornographic, violent, homophobic, xenophobic character or which are a violation of morality as reported by any other User.

DJEHOUTI also reserves the right to suspend or delete Your User Account, or even to definitively prohibit You to create a User Account, by any means whatsoever, if the comments which You make in the Expression Areas are contrary to applicable laws and regulations.


In accordance with applicable legislation, DJEHOUTI is not civilly or criminally liable for the Content placed online and/or distributed on or via the Platform unless it was actually made aware of the illicit or abusive character of the Content by a clear and precise notification and if it took no action to remove or make such Content inaccessible. Such notification must be made in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.I.5 of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy of 21 June 2004.

Consequently, DJEHOUTI shall not bear any obligation to monitor or supervise the Projects. More generally, DJEHOUTI is not responsible for the Content of the Projects and cannot guarantee that the Projects comply with any requirements whatsoever.

Except in the exceptional case duly stated, DJEHOUTI shall not have reason to disseminate the Projects itself.

Subject to mandatory applicable legal provisions, You acknowledge and expressly agree that the Platform is proposed to You as is, without any express or implicit guarantee on the part of DJEHOUTI other than that provided by this Article.

DJEHOUTI shall not in any event be required to repair possible indirect damages suffered in connection with the use of the Platform, the viewing or inability to view a Project, including loss of operations and commercial damages, and more generally, any damages which do not result exclusively and directly from a failure by DJEHOUTI.

DJEHOUTI may not moreover be required to remedy possible indirect damages suffered as a result of the use of the Platform for any purposes other than those stated in the context of these General Terms of Use. In particular, DJEHOUTI may not be held liable in the case of the use by a User and/or any third party of the Projects made public for purposes other than those stated in the contest of these General Terms of Use.


You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless DJEHOUTI, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (i) any Content or other material uploaded, posted or otherwise provided by You that infringes any copyright, trademark, trade secret, patent or intellectual property right of any person or defames any person or violates their rights of publicity or privacy, (ii) any misrepresentation made by You in connection with Your use of the Service and (iii) claims brought by persons or entities other than the parties to this Agreement arising from or related to Your access and use of the Service, including the information obtained through the Service.


DJEHOUTI will make reasonable efforts to keep the Service operational. However, certain technical difficulties or maintenance may, from time to time, result in temporary interruptions. DJEHOUTI reserves the right, periodically and at any time, to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, functions and features of the Service, with or without notice, all without liability to You for any interruption, modification or discontinuation of the Service or any function or feature thereof. You understand and agree that DJEHOUTI has no obligation to maintain, support, update or upgrade the Service or to provide all or any specific content through the Platform.

DJEHOUTI does not guarantee that the operation of the Platform will be continuous. DJEHOUTI shall not be required to allow access to the Platform in the case of a situation of force majeure, which is understood as any unforeseeable event that is overwhelming and external, including but not limited to strikes, storms, wars, embargoes, the failure of the electrical supply network or the internet network, satellite failures or breaches of their obligations by internet access providers.

DJEHOUTI does not guarantee the accessibility and/or continuity of a service or functionality accessible from the Platform but offered by a third party including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter and Google.

The User acknowledges that data transmissions on electronic communications networks have only a relative technical reliability as they circulate on mixed networks with diverse technical characteristics and capacities, which are saturated at certain times of the day. Consequently, DJEHOUTI may not in any case be held liable for the access speeds or external decelerations and particularly considering the complexity of the worldwide networks, the inequality of the capacities of the various sub-networks, the increased frequentation by users during certain hours.


The Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals whether oral or written between the parties with respect to the subject matter of the Agreement. If any of the provisions of the Agreement is declared to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, the other provisions shall remain applicable without change.


DJEHOUTI may at any time and in its sole discretion modify the General Terms of Use. These modifications shall be stated clearly on the Platform on the Platform page dedicated to the General Terms of Use. You acknowledge and accept that by using or accessing the Platform after the date of such modifications You are confirming Your full and entire acceptance of the General Terms of Use as modified.


If You access and/or use the Platform on behalf of a third party and/or as a representative, You guarantee to DJEHOUTI that You hold all of the rights, authorisations and powers necessary to accept the General Terms of Use on behalf of the company, association, partner or any other entity on behalf of which You use or access the Platform and/or create a User Account according to the General Terms of Use.


The Service is operated by DJEHOUTI from its offices in France. Subject to mandatory legal provisions to the contrary, both the Platform and the terms and conditions for its use are governed by French law, regardless of the place of use. Your use of the Service may also be subject to other laws. You agree to comply with all local, state, federal, and national laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulations that apply to Your use of the Service.

You expressly agree that in the case of a possible dispute, and after a failure of any attempt to seek an amicable solution, French courts shall have sole jurisdiction to rule on the dispute.


These General Terms of Sale are intended, without prejudice to applicable legal provisions, to govern the use of the Paid Service by the Registered User, in addition to the General Terms of Use of the Platform which shall in any event continue to apply.

You acknowledge that You have reviewed and agreed to these General Terms of Sale before placing Your order. The validation of Your order for the Paid Service shall therefore constitute Your acceptance of the General Terms of Sale without reservation.

If a Registered User does not comply with these General Terms of Sale, DJEHOUTI reserves the right to refuse him/her or to delete his/her access to the Paid Service.



Each Registered User has access to the possibility to purchase various formulas of Options, as defined in the product sheet of each Option available in the Store.


1.2.1?Presentation of the Subscritpions

Each Registered User has the possibility to purchase a Subscription, as defined in the product sheet of each Subscription available in the Store.

1.2.2?Duration of the Subscriptions

No paid or renewed Subscriptions will be refunded for any reason whatsoever.

Each Registered User may at any time terminate his/her Subscription, either in order to purchase another Subscription or to benefit from the functions of the Platform free of charge in accordance with Article 1.1 of the General Terms of Use.

In the case of a change in the category of the Subscription purchased, the previously purchased Subscription will be automatically terminated and the newly purchased Subscription will be available as of the date of changing the Subscription.

As from the date of changing the Subscription or as from the purchase of a new Subscription, each Registered User must comply with the terms of use of the newly purchased Subscription.

When the newly purchased Subscription belongs to a lower category than the previously purchased Subscription, Your storage capacity will be immediately reduced accordingly.

If Your Content and/or Your Projects exceed the storage capacity of the newly purchased Subscription, a warning will be immediately sent to the e-mail address You provided at the time of Your order. You will have the ability either to purchase a Subscription that meets Your new storage requirements or to delete Your Content and/or Your Projects which exceed the storage capacity provided by the newly purchased Subscription.

If You do not comply with the terms of the newly purchased Subscription within 30 (thirty) calendar days following the alert that is sent to You, Your Content and/or Your Projects which exceed the storage capacity provided by the newly purchased Subscription will be blocked by DJEHOUTI and made inaccessible. You will have the possibility to request that Your Projects associated with the Content rendered inaccessible be exported within a period of 6 (six) months after Your Content and/or Projects has been blocked. After this period of 6 (six) months, the Content and/or the Projects rendered inaccessible will be definitively deleted from the servers of DJEHOUTI.



The prices of the Options are indicated permanently in the Store (link to the Store) and may be subject to the VAT rate in force at the time of purchase, if applicable.

The prices of the Subscriptions are indicated permanently on the Prices tab available on the Platform. The prices in force are available here: (link to pricing) and may be subject to the VAT rate in force as the time of purchase, if applicable.

DJEHOUTI reserves the right to change the prices of the Paid Service for any new contractual period. DJEHOUTI shall then inform the Registered User of the increase in prices at least 1 (one) month before the end of the contractual period in progress. The Registered User shall have the ability to accept or refuse the new prices. If the Registered User accepts, the new prices shall be applicable for the new contractual period. If the Registered User refuses, the Agreement shall be terminated as of the end of the contractual period in progress.

It is noted that the connection fees related to the use of the Service shall not be borne by DJEHOUTI and shall remain the responsibility of the User.


The Options purchased are definitively acquired by the Registered User according to the terms of use as defined in the product sheet of each Option available in the Store.

The Subscriptions are purchased for the durations defined in the product sheet of each Subscription available in the Store. All Subscriptions are renewable indefinitely and automatically following the expiration of the contractual period in progress for a new contractual period of a same duration.

The Registered User may terminate his/her Subscription at any time by using the ?Unsubscribe? function which is accessible from his/her Personal Space. Any termination of a Subscription in progress will only take effect as from the expiration of the contractual period in progress.


The Registered User?s payment of the price is made online and only by using the payment methods proposed by PAYPAL via the Platform.

2.3.1.?Payment of the price of the subscribed Options

The Registered User is required to pay the price of the subscribed Options.

The subscribed Options will be available as soon as the payment is validated.

An invoice will be immediately issued by DJEHOUTI and sent to the electronic address provided by the Registered User at the time of his/her order on the Platform.

2.3.2.?Payment of the price for the Subscriptions

A Registered User who has purchased a Subscription is required to pay the price for the Subscription as from the date of the Subscription and throughout the entire duration of this Subscription.

The Subscription is considered to be purchased and thus available as soon as DJEHOUTI has validated the payment for the first contractual period.

In the case of a change of the Subscription category during a Subscription in progress, the price of the newly purchased Subscription shall be immediately due as from the date of the new Subscription.

The Subscription is considered to be purchased and thus available as soon as DJEHOUTI has validated the payment for the first contractual period.

In the case of a change of the Subscription category during a Subscription in progress, the price of the newly purchased Subscription shall be immediately due as from the date of the new Subscription.

When You choose a Subscription of a higher category compared to the previously purchased Subscription, the newly purchased Subscription will be valid as from the purchase. The previously purchased Subscription will be automatically terminated. In this case, the price for the last contractual period of the previously purchased Subscription will be deducted from the price for the first contractual period of the newly purchased Subscription.

When You choose a Subscription of a lower category compared to the previously purchased Subscription, the newly purchased Subscription will be valid as from the purchase and the previously purchased Subscription will be automatically terminated. In this case, no reimbursement of the price for the previously purchased Subscription may take place.

DJEHOUTI?s invoices for the Subscription will be issued monthly on the anniversary date of the purchase and sent to the e-mail address that the Registered User provided at the time of placing the order on the Platform.


2.4.1.?Failure to pay price of the Options

In the case of a failure to pay the price for the Options purchased, the Options will be considered not to have been purchased and consequently will automatically be unavailable.

2.4.2.?Failure to pay the price for the Subscriptions
In the case of a failure to pay for the first contractual period of the price for a Subscription, the Subscription will be considered not to have been purchased and consequently will automatically be unavailable.

In the case of a failure to pay for a contractual period on the anniversary date of the contractual period of the initial purchase of the Subscription, Your Subscription will be automatically terminated after 2 (two) Payment Reminders remained without result.

The Payment Reminders will be sent by e-mail to the address provided at the time of placing Your order on the Platform. The first Payment Reminder will be generated on the date of the corresponding failure to pay the Subscription. The second Payment Reminder will be generated 15 (fifteen) days after sending the first Payment Reminder.

Upon the expiration of a period 10 (ten) days following the second Payment Reminder, Your Subscription will be automatically terminated and the storage capacity of Your User Account will be reduced to the capacity of the free Service available in accordance with the General Terms of Use.

As from the termination of Your Subscription and if Your Content and/or Your Projects exceed the storage capacity of the free Service, You will have the ability either to purchase a Subscription that meets Your new storage requirements or to delete Your Content and/or Your Projects that exceed the storage capacity offered by the free Service.

If You do not comply with the terms of the Service, Your Content and/or Your Projects which exceed the storage capacity provided by the free Service will be blocked by DJEHOUTI and made inaccessible. You will have the possibility to request that Your Projects associated with the Content rendered inaccessible be exported within a period of 6 (six) months after Your Content and/or Projects has been blocked. After this period of 6 (six) months, the Content and the Projects rendered inaccessible will be definitively deleted from the servers of DJEHOUTI.


If you are a French Registered User, the following provisions also apply to You:

In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 121-21-8, paragraphs 1 and 13, of the Consumer Code, the User acknowledges and expressly agrees (i) that the Paid Service is provided by DJEHOUTI after validation of payment, which is before the end of the retraction period provided for by Article L. 121-21 of the Consumer Code and thus (ii) the User expressly agrees to waive his/her right of retraction connected with online or remote sales, as provided for in Article L. 121-21 cited above. Consequently, as a result of the foregoing, no request for retraction, cancellation or reimbursement made to DJEHOUTI will be accepted.


The use of the Paid Service and the payment of its price authorise You to benefit from the functions, according to their terms, for which You have paid, until the closure of Your User Account for any reason whatsoever, in accordance with the General Terms of Use and these General Terms of Sale.

You are also authorised to use the Service to provide Your own services to a third party without having to request the prior authorisation of DJEHOUTI, unless these services infringe on the intellectual property rights of DJEHOUTI or constitute an infringement of the Service and/or the Platform.


If any of the provisions of these General Terms of Sale is declared to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, the other provisions shall remain applicable without change.


DJEHOUTI may at any time and in its sole discretion modify the General Terms of Sale. These modifications shall be stated clearly on the Platform on the Platform page dedicated to the General Terms of Sale. You acknowledge and accept that by using or accessing the Platform after the date of such modifications You are confirming Your full and entire acceptance of the General Terms of Sale as modified.


If You access and/or use the Platform on behalf of a third party and/or as a representative, You guarantee to DJEHOUTI that You hold all of the rights, authorisations and powers necessary to accept the General Terms of Sale on behalf of the company, association, partner or any other entity on behalf of which You use or access the Platform and/or create a User Account according to the General Terms of Use.


This Agreement is governed by French law.

Any dispute concerning the General Terms of Sale shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court of Paris, with the exception of disputes concerning non-merchants and for whom the legal rules for attribution of jurisdiction apply.

If you are a non-merchant User residing in the United States, the following mandatory arbitration provisions also apply to You:

(i)?You and DJEHOUTI agree that any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating in any way to the Service or your use thereof shall be determined by mandatory binding arbitration. You agree that you and DJEHOUTI are each waiving the right to a trial by jury and the right to participate in a class or multi-party action. This arbitration provision shall survive termination of this Agreement and the termination of your User Account. The arbitration will be governed by the Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes of the American Arbitration Association (the ?AAA Rules?), as administered by the AAA;

(ii)?You and DJEHOUTI agree that each may bring claims against the other in Your or its individual capacity, and not as a class member or in any representative capacity or proceeding. Further, no arbitrator shall consolidate any other person?s claims with Your claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a multi-party or class proceeding. If this specific provision is found to be unenforceable in any way, then the entirety of this arbitration section shall be null and void. The arbitrator may not award declaratory or injunctive relief;

(iii)?Any arbitration must be commenced by filing a demand for arbitration with the AAA within one (1) year after the date the party asserting the claim first knows or reasonably should know of the act, omission or default giving rise to the claim; and there shall be no right to any remedy for any claim not asserted within that time period. If applicable law prohibits a one-year limitations period for asserting claims, any claim must be asserted within the shortest time period permitted by applicable law. Your arbitration fees and Your share of arbitrator compensation will be limited to those fees set forth in the AAA?s Consumer Rules with the remainder paid by DJEHOUTI. Any arbitration costs or fees deemed ?excessive? will be paid by DJEHOUTI.


In order to create Projects, a User who is registered and who possesses an Account has the ability to acquire Options in order to enjoy additional Services.

The acquisition of the Option is governed by the General Terms of Use and the General Terms of Sale, as defined in this Annex 1 and the product sheet for each Option.

The Options consist of Plugin and Templates, as defined in the product sheet available on the Platform via the Store.

The purchased Options may be used for a Project or for all Projects, according to the terms defined in the product sheet for each Option.

DJEHOUTI does not guarantee one hundred percent (100%) compatibility of the Options with all browsers, servers and/or all media. Certain factors such as the number of elements on the scene or the size of the resources may be the cause of incompatibility.

DJEHUTI does not guarantee the quality of viewing when it is affected by factors outside of DJEHOUTI?s control, such as the quality of the connection, the power of the computer, the volume of the content downloaded, the age of the operating system or the browser of the User.

When the Option requires use of a third party service, DJEHOUTI does not guarantee the accessibility, continuity or the quality of the third party service.


In order to use the Templates, the necessary plugins are included in the cost of the Formula.

Depending on the complexity their use, the Templates will or will not have documentation to assist in their use. This documentation is available in the product sheet available from the Platform via the Store.

When the Template, for example, contains content or functions that are the property of DJEHOUTI or a third party, and for which the intellectual property rights are stated clearly, the User is strictly prohibited to delete this statement.


In order to create Projects, a User who is registered and who possesses an Account has the ability to purchase a paid Subscription in order to increase his/her storage capacity under the conditions defined in the General Terms of Use and/or to benefit from additional Services.

The purchase of a Subscription is governed by the General Terms of Use, the General Terms of Sale and this Annex 2, depending on the terms defined in the Subscription formulas (hereafter, the ?Formulas?) set out below and the product sheet for each Formula.

The purchase of a Subscription allows You to add to the 500 megabytes of storage provided free of charge by the Service in order to store Your larger Content and Projects and to benefit from additional Services, if applicable.

Only the size of the Content uploaded by the User to the Platform is used to measure the storage capacity. In order to maximize the storage capacity of the User, the Content consisting of sounds or images is compressed before calculating the size of this Content for the storage capacity.

DJEHOUTI does not guarantee one hundred percent (100%) compatibility of the Service with all browsers, servers and/or all media. Certain factors such as the number of elements on the scene or the size of the resources may be the cause of incompatibility.

DJEHOUTI does not guarantee the quality of viewing when it is affected by factors outside of DJEHOUTI?s control, such as the quality of the connection, the power of the computer, the volume of the content downloaded, the age of the operating system or the browser of the User.

The use of the Service by Subscription is exclusively reserved to Users who have purchased a Subscription. All multiple-user use of a Subscription if strictly prohibited.


The Subscription is for a period of one month, automatically and indefinitely renewable under the conditions defined in the General Terms of Sale.

The user support for the Service is available in French and English and is accessible from the tutorials and via the online help forums.

These forums are provided by the Users and DJEHOUTI. DJEHOUTI has no obligation to reply nor any reply deadline for questions posted by the Users on the online help forums.

The tutorials are accessible online from the dedicated areas on the Platform.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 1 (one) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Support for the use of the Service: access to the online help forums and the tutorials.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 5 (five) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Support for the use of the Service: access to the online help forums and the tutorials.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 10 (ten) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Support for the use of the Service: access to the online help forums and the tutorials.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 20 (twenty) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Support for the use of the Service: access to the online help forums and the tutorials.


The Subscription is for a period of one 12 months, automatically and indefinitely renewable under the conditions defined in the General Terms of Sale.

The user support for the Service is prepared according to the terms defined in the Formulas as described below. It is provided in French and English and the working days are determined according to the working days in France exclusively, between 10 (ten) a.m. and 7 (seven) p.m., French time.

This user support includes access to the tutorials and to the dedicated tutorials for the Professional Formulas, as well as personalized assistance with the use of the Service, to the exclusion of the Project pages imported via the ?embed? function and specific developments created by the User and for which DJEHOUTI cannot guarantee proper operation or assistance with use.

When personalized user support is provided by training at the User?s premises, the costs of travel and lodging of DJEHOUTI?s trainers, if necessary, are not included in the cost of the Formula. These costs shall be borne by the User in addition to the cost of the Formula.

When the user support is provided by training, DJEHUTI reserves the right to cancel the in-person or remote training, subject to notification to the User by e-mail at the e-mail address provided on the Users Account, 8 (eight) days before the date for the training when the total number of participants is less than 4 (four) persons.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 50 (fifty) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Personalized assistance in using the Service: by e-mail within a maximum of 24 (twenty-four) hours up to a limit of 8 (eight) exchanges of e-mail each month. This support is exclusively dedicated to resolving difficulties of a technical nature in using the Service.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 100 (one hundred) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Plugins: Premium Plugins.

The User shall benefit from the Plugins included in the Formula as described in the product sheet for the Premium Formula accessible via the Store.

Templates: Premium Templates.

The User shall benefit from the Templates included in the Formula as described in the product sheet for the Premium Formula accessible via the Store.

When the Template, for example, contains content or functions that are the property of DJEHOUTI or a third party, and for which the intellectual property rights are stated clearly, the User is strictly prohibited to delete this statement.

Personalized assistance in using the Service: by e-mail, by Skype and via training.

Personalized assistance by e-mail is provided within a maximum of 24 (twenty-four) hours up to a limit of 8 (eight) exchanges of e-mail each month. This support is exclusively dedicated to resolving difficulties of a technical nature in using the Service.

The personalized assistance by Skype is made at the request of the User at the time and date determined in cooperation with DJEHOUTI and for a duration that may not exceed 2 (two) hours each month, for a maximum duration of 24 (twenty-four) hours included in the Premium Formula. Any credit for monthly support that is not used will be considered to have been definitively waived. Thus, the credits for monthly support may not be carried forward. This support is exclusively dedicated to resolving difficulties of a technical nature in using the Service.

The personalized support by training is carried out 1 (one) time each year on one of the four dates set by DJEHOUTI and which shall be announced to the User by e-mail to the address defined in the User?s Personal Space. This covers a maximum of 8 (eight) hours of advanced training in the Service under the following conditions:

  • a maximum of 6 (six) participants,

  • possibility of remote training via Skype or Google Hangout,

  • the travel and lodging costs of the User are not included.


Storage capacity: 500 (five hundred) MB free of charge, plus 200 (two hundred) GB.

Number of Projects: unlimited within the limit of the storage capacity.

Plugins: Unlimited Plugins.

The User shall benefit from the Plugins included in the Formula as described in the product sheet for the Unlimited Formula accessible from the Platform via the Store.

Templates: Unlimited Templates.

The User shall benefit from the Templates included in the Formula as described in the product sheet for the Unlimited Formula accessible via the Store.

When the Template, for example, contains content or functions that are the property of DJEHOUTI or a third party, and for which the intellectual property rights are stated clearly, the User is strictly prohibited to delete this statement.

Personalized assistance in using the Service: by e-mail, by Skype and via training.

Personalized assistance by e-mail is provided within a maximum of 24 (twenty-four) hours up to a limit of 8 (eight) exchanges of e-mail each month. This support is exclusively dedicated to resolving difficulties of a technical nature in using the Service.

The personalized assistance by Skype is made at the request of the User at the time and date determined in cooperation with DJEHOUTI and for a duration that may not exceed 4 (four) hours each month, for a maximum duration of 48 (forty-eight) hours included in the Premium Formula. Any credit for monthly support that is not used will be considered to have been definitively waived. Thus, the credits for monthly support may not be carried forward. This support is dedicated to resolving difficulties of a technical nature in using the Service and advice in terms of design and assistance in preparing the narrative for the Project(s) of the User.

The personalized support by training is provided a maximum of 3 (three) times each year on the dates and times set by DJEHOUTI in cooperation with the User and which shall be announced to the User by e-mail to the address defined in the User?s Personal Space. This covers a maximum of 24 (twenty-four) hours of advanced training in the Service under the following conditions:

  • a maximum of 6 (six) participants,

  • possibility of remote training via Skype or Google Hangout,

  • the travel and lodging costs of the User are not included.



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